4/25/16 2:21am

189 6 0

I guess I'm finally letting these see the light of day huh? Why do I like it the word simplicity so much idk

Kill the first half of the day before I get a new song on this page. To be the first time I try to be the same as the most popular and the rest of the best.

Let me go back to the point where I can get away from the past and the people that caused me pain. Release me please.

You can help me? I'm so tired of being this way, the evil of this world is torturous. Yet you seem so free to be so hurt. Can I touch the sky too?

Very easy, but still. I'm so tired of being able to see you. The first half of my life was like the new version of this world. You gave me the most but took the least love. I just want to see myself with you. Keep your head up, don't forget to smile.

Someone come to me. Give us the option of deleting my last breath. Bring your own music instead of simplicity's silence. All you have to do is die with me. The message we leave in the sand will not let the door close.

Were they good? Bad? Enjoyable? Painfully intolerable? There's still more to come dearies so hold on to your seats, or blankets, whatever your sitting on right now

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