Knight in Shining Armor (Merry)

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For my sister from another mister (as we've recently discovered...), gillybrandybuck. If you don't like all the Merry content then blame her...XD jk we all love each other here


The journey was a success. The One Ring had finally been destroyed, and though Frodo had lost a bit of a finger and a good member of the Fellowship had died saving Merry and Pippin, you all really had much to be thankful for. 

And right now, riding behind Merry on his pony, you had much to be thankful for. He was wearing his Rohan leather armor, but beneath that you could feel the muscles in his abdomen that had become more defined since the journey had started.

Your little hobbit troupe eventually arrived at your homeland, the Shire. Oh, how you had dearly missed this old place; all the winding paths, tranquil forests, and little rivers. It was something that you hoped you could enjoy even more now that you were home, and maybe with Merry. You two had been courting for months even before you'd up and left on the out-of-nowhere quest. Marriage didn't seem to be far down the road, that is until all the chaos had ensued. 

However, now that all was well and you were returned home, you felt like possibly a proposal would be coming up soon. 

Later when you finally arrived at your hobbit hole, Merry slipped down from the pony and raised his arms to assist you in your descent. With a smile and a bit of blush you allowed him to help you down, your face barely centimeters away from his when your feet touched the grassy ground. 

"Thank you," you murmured with a smirk on your face, "You're very strong, my brave warrior."

Merry blushed, an embarrassed smile spreading across his handsome face. "And you are very beautiful, my princess." You giggled and moved closer so that your noses were touching.

"I feel like you should be rewarded for your..." you leaned in even closer, and Merry's eyelids fluttered closed, you following suit, "...heroic actions..." You closed the distance between the two of you, and you were pretty sure that was the best kiss the two of you had shared since before you'd left. 

When you pulled away, Merry opened his eyes, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. When he had his mind back, he focused his eyes on you and took a deep breath. "(Y/N), I...I think it's about time that I ask this, but..."

"Yes?" you asked slowly, a grin widening and your eyelashes fluttering.

"Will...will you marry me, (Y/N)?" He almost sounded nervous, but you knew deep down that he had no doubt that you would say yes. 

And that's exactly what you said.

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