Goodbye (Merry)

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I'm not the biggest fan of trigger warnings, but I should probably post one for this oneshot. It's a warning for death of an infant and extreme sorrow. The loss of a mother's child is no small thing, and nothing to romanticize, but as I say, "Just because bad things happen doesn't mean we have to ignore them."

So, I hope you like this, especially if you're hungry for some angst. This is for you, my beautiful gillybrandybuck!!! (I may or may not have shed a few tears while writing this...)


"Something's wrong." Your face was contorted with pain. Yes, your contractions had started just a few minutes prior, but you could just tell...something was amiss. "Something's...AGH!!" Another scream left your mouth as a torrent of pain ripped through your abdomen. You were sure now, something was definitely wrong. "Merry!!" you shouted for your husband, hoping that he would have time to fetch the midwife before anything too serious occurred.

"Yes, love?" he yelled back from another room, "Are you all right?!" You soon heard the thumping of hobbit feet against the floor, and suddenly Merry was in sight, careening toward the chair you were sitting in. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," you panted, "but something is." Your voice broke as another wave of pain washed over you. Your thoughts blurred and you gritted your teeth, determined not to scream. You didn't wish to scare Merry. "Can, can you get the midwife? Please?"

Merry nodded his head so fast it almost fell off of his neck, and giving you a kiss to your forehead and a last worried look, took off out the door shouting for Willow, the midwife.

They came back to you lying on the rug, clutching and clawing at your swollen stomach and screaming in pain. Your skirts were a little damp where your water had broken, the fabrics tinged red a little with blood. 

"Oh, that's not a good sign," Willow fretted, rolling up her sleeves. "Mister Brandybuck, can you fetch some hot water and towels? I must see that the babe comes safely." Merry nodded and skirted off to the kitchen. 

Willow went to work attending to you, attempting to calm you, and assisting the child in its exit. You were finally rid of the searing pain, but now a dull pain lay where the old one had previously resided. You weren't sure if that was very good either. Merry rubbed your arms comfortingly, telling you how proud he was of you and that everything would be okay. The excitement in his eyes glittered as he rather impatiently waited to see his child.

"Ehm, Miss?" Willow asked quietly. You tiredly lifted your head from the pillow (you now being seated and reclined on the sofa), expecting her to be smiling widely and congratulating you as she handed you your baby. Instead, her features held a look of worry and sorrow. "I do not think...I don't think she will live for long."

Your heart went from pounding in excitement to stopping short altogether and dropping to your aching stomach. "What?" Your voice was barely a hoarse whisper.

"What do you mean?" Merry asked a little louder, his eyes wide and his voice wracked with emotion. "What could possibly be wrong with her? I mean, the...the birth went smoothly. Nothing should be wrong!"

"Mister Brandybuck, Miss (Y/N)...she is barely breathing," Willow tried to stay as stable as possible, clearing her throat. "Her...her heartbeat is irregular. I would not expect her to live past the hour." With those words, she carefully delivered the babe, wrapped in blankets, to you. "I'm so very sorry. Truly, I am." She left the room to clean herself up and let out the tears that threatened to fall.

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