New beginning. 1

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Today was finally the day, we were going to Seoul. And by we, I mean May, Melissa, Laura, Raven (but we call her Rae) Miya, Raina and myself, Hyuna. We are going to one of the most prestigious high schools ever to exist cause we have pretty high grades and who doesn't want to go to a 'Royal school'.

"Have a safe trip." My mom said on the verge of tears.

"I will, don't cry you'll make me cry too." I chuckled while also on the verge of tears.

"I'm just worried for you guys." She replied.

"Don't worry, we are 7 people. We can take on anyone!" I stood up and did a superhero pose to make her laugh.

I hear a car beeping in front of my house and I open the curtains to see a huge elite black limo. I stood there in awe and really excited. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye as they helped me with my luggage into the trunk of the car. I sat down next to Rae and May, yet I regretted sitting next to May. She started her jokes again.

"Yo," May said as she was laughing
"Nooooo," I said trying to turn away from her
"May, we just got in the car, can I have 5 minutes of peace and quite." Miya whined
"Haha, how does a fish get high."

There was an awkward silence right there yet May broke it.

"SeaWEED." She said she emphasized the 'weed' part.

"That's so dumb." Raina said as she was laughing her head off.

"Do you just come up with these on the spot?" I questioned her.

She nodded while she was still laughing.

Raven had no reaction at all
"It's not even funny." She said in a monotone way.

We arrived at the airport.

"Wow we came so early." Melissa said.
We checked in and we still had 45 minutes to spare. Miya and Raven decided to get Starbucks.
"Awwwww look at Raeia." May exclaimed. She shipped Miya with Rae as close friends and add that ship name for them.
"Trash bag, aren't you going to going to get some drinks for us?" Raina teased Mellisa.

"I don't take orders, and let's not talk about YOU trash bag." Mellisa fought back.

May, Laura and I slowly backed away from their bickering and went to explore around the airport. It was huge. It was like half mall and half airport so we decided to go shopping. We bought cute outfits and I get a notification from the group chat.


where u guys? -RaeBae

Me-In a store, why?

We have 10 mins left!!- Miya Miya
Oh shoot. Be right there.- May

We made it right on time and went and boarded first class. It was legit and luxurious. I take my earbuds and listen to music so I can sleep before May starts her 'jokes'.
I start dozing off and then I hear May laughing hysterically.

"Yo," She said laughing
"What nowwwww?" Melissa said annoyed

I turn the music up louder and go to sleep.

new life? yes please. | kthWhere stories live. Discover now