Chapter 5- Gardening

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Disclaimer- I do not own any of the PJO seris or its characters. Thanks for all the votes and comments!! I hope you enjoy the story so far. VOTE and COMMENT! The dedication goes to Flamming Vadez!  Thanks for being the second person to add my story!!:)

Katie's POV

                                   Chapter 5- Gardening

Katie was kneeling on the ground, in the strawberry garden, humming to her self. She digged a hole, put a strawberry seed in it. Then covered it with excess dirt. She was about to sing a song, to make the plant grow, but her annoyingly  cute boyfriend had to interrupt her.

"Sup, Kitty-Kat," he said with a huge simile on his face.

"One, that is not my name. Two.. What do you want," Katie said a little harsher then she meant too.

"Geesh, can I guy come over to see his girlfriend," Travis said. Katie could hear the hurt in his voice.

She got up and walked up to him. She put her arms around his neck and he put his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry Travis, its just, Mr. D has been on my case about getting these strawberries to ripe. My cabin and I have to meet the deadline or we are in big trouble," Katie said gloomy.

"Cant the satyrs or Mr. D help or something," Travis questioned.

Katie huffed, "I wish but the satyrs and Mr. D are in a Cloven of Elders meeting. And even if Mr. D wasn't apart of the meeting, there is now way, he would ever help. You know that Travis."

Travis gave her a little peck on the lips. "This is why I am a Hermes kid. All we have to worry about is our next prank ."

Katie left his arms and went back to the strawberries. "Speaking of that, shouldn't my cabin and I get like a no pranking pass from you and Conner or something! When you put Sprite in our water cans yesterday. Do you now how hard it was to talk bad about you, when I am dating you? My siblings think I am losing my edge, because I am dating the "Hermes devil spawn."

"No, you dont get a free pass," Travis said calmy.

"And why not," Katie yelled.

"Well," Travis continued. "That wouldn't be fair to the other cabins. Conner and I try to have a equal balance of the cabins we prank. Plus then you would have a reason to yell at me."

Katie rolled her eyes, "Travis, you have no balance between the cabin. You and Conner prank my cabin and I twice as much. Maybe more and you like it when I yell at you."

Travis nodded his head. "Your nose scrunches up and you lips get pushed out"

Katie shook her head, "Really Travis, really?"

Katie went back to the strawberries.  She was singing a melody, to make the plant grow. The Travis started to hum. Katie lost all concentration and the plant withered away.

"Travis, " She said. "Will you please stop humming. I am trying to concentrate."

"But Katie," he whinnied. "This is so boring. How can you do it all day. I would die."

Kate pursed out her lips, "Well, it might have a little something to do about being a child of Demeter. Or something around there. And it is not boring. It is quite enjoyable."

Travis groaned, "Katie, gardening kills people."

Katie sat on the dirt cross-legged and patted the ground next to her. Travis sat down. "Travis," she said. "Tell me exactly how, gardening can kill someone."

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