Sensitive Skin|02

Start from the beginning

"Good morning babe." I whispered, she turned to me with a smile.

"Good morning beautiful." She responded, my heart stopped in my chest.

There was something wrong, something was absolutely wrong. She never complimented me, she never called me beautiful. Why was she acting like this, what did I do? What did she do. Is she hiding something from me, is there something going on.

"How do I look?" I asked waiting for the harsh comments to hit me in the face like knives.

"Gorgeous as usual why?" She spoke softly, I felt the need to scream.

There was no snide comment on my flat ass, or the fact you could see my arms. She didn't comment on my oversized shirt, she said I looked gorgoeus. I saw this look in her eye as she hoped I would think nothing of it, the obvious change in her routine. I placed a bright smile on my lips as she looked at me, my heart slamming in my chest at this new fear overwhelmed me constricting my chest until it was almost impossible to breath.

"Thank you babe." I said sweetly, I acted like I usually did.

I made her breakfast then I made her coffee, I walked into the bedroom and tore off the sheets like I always did every single day.  I changed them into this peach shade that I loved dearly but Bri hated and she told me I did an amazing job and them kissed my cheek and told me to have a good day.

I walked out the building and walked to my car, every step felt like a huge weight on me and I couldn't breath.  I got into the car and drove to a coffee shop, I wasn't going to school today and I called all my professors about it.  They were very understanding and always set me what I missed to my email. Before my father died he had put allot of money it renovating and improving the school so they basically treated me slightly better and at times like this is truly came in handy.

I sat at the coffee shop with my laptop and got some work done, the feeling of weight on my chest never got lighter. I only drank water cause I knew something was different, Bri had never treated me like that and I was missing something huge. She was dressed nicer today, she had her makeup done and her nails which I never paid for and I knew she had no qualifications for a job.

I got most of my school work done at the coffee shop, my thoughts were slamming around my head like a basketball game. I started watching videos on YouTube, I really liked to watch comedy videos but I wasn't really one to laugh.  I sighed as I looked at the clock and realized it was no where close to the time I should be home.

I saw a hair salon across the street and looked at my pale boring blone hair, I smiled widely and decided to pack up and head across the street. I felt this wave of uncomfort hit me as I walked inside, this wasn't me yet I felt like I deserved it. I had so many of Bri's words beating me around inside my head, yet I was fighting.

"What can I get you darling?" A older women said, her eyes held so much light.

"I don't really know." I whispered, I felt so insecure and out of place.

"I understand darling, let an old lady do her magic." She said, I saw understanding in her eyes.

I didn't know what she knew when she looked at me, yet I trusted her completely. I sat in the hair salon chair as she touched my hair, I couldn't look in a mirror as I felt her began her process. I told her to dye it, I didn't know what and I didn't even know why I was here yet I felt so terrified inside.

I felt scared, I felt worried, I felt lost, I felt alone. Bri had tore me down so low I didn't even know who I was or what I wanted for myself because she had put down everything I was.  I relaxed for once, my tense muscles became jello as she dyed my hair and for once I felt safe.

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