"Hahaha well, aren't you a hot buttery mess?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"F*ck off Kyle!" Clover screams.

"What? We were just having a little fun with you two," Taylor says. "And might I say Ryan, you look rather tasty!"

I slowly bring my head up and shake the popcorn out of my face looking at the faces of two amused partners in crime. I stand up and punch a laughing Kyle.

"What the hell?" He whines.

"That's for scaring us." He brushes it off like it was nothing.

"Whatever," Taylor says," Lets go finish playing Battlefield." They tramp upstairs and slam their door. I turn my head slowly towards Clover with an evil grin. She quickly catches on what I'm thinking and smiles back.

"Revenge time!" We whisper in unison. Clover walks to the fridge again pulls out two cans. She makes her way back to me and hands me one.

"Three words," she starts, "Whip. Cream. War." This revenge is gonna be sweet. Literally. We trot upstairs back to Clover's room and close the door. We take a seat in the middle of the room and face each other.

"So here's the plan, " Clo says. Hmm I like that nickname I'm gonna call her that now. " We sneak to Tay's room and listen through the door. When we hear the boys say theyre winning or have a top score, we rush in and jump on them spraying them with ALL the whip cream. They lose the game and we get satisfied."

This plan is perfect they'll get so distracted by whip cream that they'll lose. " Who are you going for?" I ask.

"Oh I'm taking down my brother. That b*tch is gonna get what he deserves. You can take down Kyle." And...I'm with Kyle again. Whatever, it'll be fun to smash whip cream in his face.

"Ok. Oh revenge is gonna be sweet," I say with an evil smirk. Clover leads us down the hall to Tay's room and we gently push our ears against the door. We can hear them speaking a little bit.


"HOLD ON..." I hear Kyle say. I glance over at Clover who is holding her mouth tightly to keep from bursting into laughter. Her whole face turns a deep TinkerBell red shade. She holds up her fingers to count us off.




We slam open the door and rush in like fangirls for O2L. The boys jump from their spots on the edge of the bed and fall face first on the carpet. Clover sprints to the other side of the bed and plops on her brother spraying him in the face with her whip cream. I give an evil smile to Kyle letting him know that he’s not getting out of this alive.

He looks at me like I’m the killer from Scream and backs up slowly. I get closer and closer eyeing him as my prey and pounce on him like a wolf while spraying his gorgeous god-like face in sweet creamy goodness. Why did i just refer to a wolf? Ive never done that before.

Sparks ignite from our skin touching again, and i jump inside a little, still not used to feeling it every time we touch. I hear Taylor screaming like a girl from the other side of the bed and Clover laughing like a crazed sociopath. That girl is enjoying every bit of this from what I can hear.

"We submit to you just stop messing up my room!" Taylor yells in between breaths.

"Say we're the sexiest girls in the world," Clover giggled.

"Oh, you gotta be f*cking kiddi..."

"SAY IT!" She squirts his face some more then licks the top of the can.

"Fine. You girls are the sexiest in the world now get off!" He pushes Clover off of him and walks to the bathroom. Kyle starts wiggling out from under me. Oh hell naw he's not getting outta it that easy.

"Not so fast mister," I point the can at his face like a gun and he slowly lifts his hands. "Now its your turn to say it. Clover and Ryan are the sexiest girls in the world. Say it."

"Ryan is the sexiest girl in the world and Clover can suck it." I make a really loud and noticeable gasp and look at Clover to see her  enraged. Her hands in tight fists.

"Why dont you say that to my face you son of a b*tch!" She walks over to us and I quickly stand up to hold her arms back.

"Hey Clove I think we should go now. We've had our fun." She gives Kyle one more death glare before storming off to her room. I pick up my can of whip cream I dropped when I grabbed Clover and squirt Kyle in the face again.

"What the hell?" He laughs.

"That's for making fun of Clover you a**hole." Kyle snatch's the can and points it at me this time.

"Looks like the tables have turned Missy. Now if you wanna get out of this alive, you better do as I say." At first i was shocked to see him take it away from me so easily but after that I just rolled my eyes. He's such an idiot. I'm pretty sure its empty.

"What do you want?" I ask very annoyed.

"Give me a kiss goodnight." What the hell?

"Ew no way. Kiss a shrub!" Is he serious? Well they don't call the Player for nothing.

"I will use this on you. Don't make me do it."

"Go right ahead." I say confidently. I cross my arms and smile waiting for him to fail st this. He pushed down on the top of the can and nothing comes out just like I expected.

"Oooh too bad. I guess your plan wasn't thought through like ours was. Goodnight loser." I laugh and walk out the door leaving Kyle standing there embarrassed as hell.


Hey guys I'm so sorry for the late update I'm getting ready for a trip and I haven't had the time to write more. Im gonna be on vacation for the next 2 weeks so the updates might be late and i apologize for that. There might also be some spelling errors.

Anywho I hope you like this chapter and please vote and comment what you like on this chapter and what you wanna see in future chapters. Big shout out to my editer LOLitsMe123 she helps me with ideas on the chapters and also has a really good book herself so check it out. She's amazing and also plays a big role in this book.

Guess which character she is?

Also lemme know if you want more Kyle POV's or possibly a Clover POV. I love yall <3

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