Chapter 4: Dammit, Skylar

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"So?" Skylar questioned, wanting the answer, the only one I had but didn't ever want to reveal. I only could think one thing at that moment: She was way too good at reading my mind. She knew everything before she knew who I was! I was astonished. No other words could describe the feeling.

Skylar sighed. "Do we really have to do this again?" She motioned to the needle behind her, making me flinch a bit and shake my head. She wasn't getting more than five words out of my mouth at one time. Thing is, I had no idea what would push her limits, and it scared me a bit to think about what could be next after temporarily losing my ability to shapeshift.

"Then talk," she demanded. "I don't think you want to see me have my buttons pushed." I shook my head wildly that time, my light brown hair covering my face. I brushed it out of my face and pulled it behind my head, taking in small breaths and delaying time. I prayed for someone to come down, anyone that could save me. Then again, if she already knew what the Astral Dimension was, how could I ever escape her?

"You literally have five seconds before I make another move, and you're not going to like what happens after that." I tilted my head back with a sigh, realizing that my only way out was to talk.

"Fine, I know the Astral Dimension," I muttered. I felt like she had asked a multitude of questions, but if she did, I had no idea what the rest of them were, or if I even answered the right question. She huffed sarcastically.

"I'm going to need a lot more answers than that to get through with this, honey." She turned her whole body towards me.

'She did not just say that,' I gasped in my head. 'She did NOT.'






She was not going to hear the end of this one until she could find a way to shut me up with force.

"Alright, listen here, Skylar," I growled. "I'm setting the stage of this conversation right here and now. I will NOT accept being called honey, do you understand me?" She didn't even move or blink, which infuriated me more. "I will not tolerate this attitude you've been giving me in order to intimidate me to doing as you ask; I'm no puppet or snitch. I hope that's made clear to you, because there's more. I'm not obligated to giving you answers of anything I know of, because I know you're lying about your knowledge of these things. You're just an enemy at this point. You want me to tell you everything I know so you can go ruin my life even more and screw it up and make it crash and burn like my home is already -" I stopped myself, tears starting to fall down my face. I shut my eyes tight and kept my head down, refusing to show weakness. I didn't care if one of my only shirts would be ruined by my crying, I couldn't hold it back. It felt quieter than ever now, making it seem like my held back sobs were audible in the room. No matter how hard I tried, my sadness fell out in watery tears and muffled cries.

A hand fell on my shoulder, soft yet firm. I knew it was Skylar, yet I didn't hear her come over or hear footsteps on the stone floor. I didn't have the strength to push her away; I was using everything I had to stop myself from crying, though it wasn't working. My hands were in fists, pressed against the table I sat on. She didn't say anything for a while. I just felt her warm face only inches from mine. She let me control myself before speaking.

Her voice came out gently and warming, very different than her tone from before. "I get it Sylena, it's sad and heartbreaking to think of those thoughts of what's happening to your home. You've been away for so long, and things can change in the blink of an eye and you wouldn't have a clue. You have explained enough. I owe you an explanation too." She lifted her hand off my shoulder and walked over to the book on the table. Her presence leaving left a slight chill behind without her nearby. I peeked open my tear-covered eyes and watched her flip through pages, searching for something.

"Alright, Sylena, brace yourself," she said softly, almost a whisper. I lifted my head a bit so she could see my face. She took a breath, closed her eyes, and held herself up with her hands on the table.

"I'm from the Astral Dimension too."

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