Sick in the Head

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

Y/N and Cameron shared a lovely conversation over the delicious breakfast the perfectionist had made, speaking about their interests and such to learn more about one another. To say Mr. Normal enjoyed his time with his neighbor was an understatement. He felt like the luckiest man in the world being able to sit there, staring into the woman's E/C eyes. It was pure bliss having friendly company for a change, and the fact that they were sharing breakfast like a couple made his heart go mad with joy. Y/N's gaze shifts over to a clock on the wall before she sighs in disappointment while leaning back in her seat.

"Is something wrong?" Cameron asks nervously after noticing her downfallen expression before having a sip from his glass on the table.

"Oh, no, nothing's wrong. I just have thirty minutes left before I have to go to work, and I was really enjoying my time here with you." Nearly, the man chokes on his water as a blush paints his fair cheeks. He didn't expect her to say something like that, and it caught him off guard. A light smile finds it's way to Y/N's lips upon seeing it on his face as the strange voice speaks to Mr. Normal again.

What did I tell you? She likes you.

That statement alone was enough to deepen the red in his cheeks, but Cameron shook his head in a discreet manner in attempts to ignore the whisper of his inner voice.

'It isn't real. If I ignore it, it should go away,' at least, that is what he hoped. "Well, you don't need to leave yet, right? How about we take a little stroll around the neighborhood before you take off. I usually take my walks on Sundays, but I could use a bit of fresh air. You don't have to if you don't want to, though," he adds the last bit in a low, anxious voice. Perhaps he was being too bold? He just didn't want her to leave so soon.

"I think that's a great idea! I haven't had the time to look around myself, so maybe you can show me around?" The smile that graced those lovely lips set Mr. Normal's face ablaze as he frantically nods in response, causing her lips to spread wider and show her teeth.

Isn't she heavenly?

"Excellent! It's decided, then," he says excitedly with a large grin as he abruptly stands from his seat like an excited kid.

She loves you.

Cameron tried his best to keep ignoring the voice in fear that his blush would become out of control, whilst his guest giggles at his enthusiasm. It was just a simple walk, but he was making it sound like they were going to an amusement park together or something exciting like that. Embarrassed by her laughter and his exclamation, he sits back down and clears his throat. His hands lightly clench the cotton fabric of his black pants as he meets her E/C eyes with a sheepish smile.

"I- I mean, that sounds like a wonderful idea," he stammers before producing a nervous laugh. Y/N sends the man a comforting smile, not wanting him to think that she was making fun of him by laughing. She daintily wipes her lips with a napkin Cameron had provided her with before standing from her seat.

"Well, then, what are we waiting for? I won't have long before I'll have to leave."

"R-Right." He nods his head and gets up again before picking up the plates to take them into the kitchen. Y/N patiently waits for him to return to her as he put them into the sink, making a mental note to wash dishes when he gets back. Once that's done, he walks the woman to the door so that they can both put on their shoes before going outside. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled as they started down the pavement side-by-side.

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