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Their background:

Ella Sophia Wilson is a 15 years old girl from London. Her mom passed away in a car crash two years ago, and at the hospital her last sentece she told Ella before she left was: "Take care of your littlesister Ella, and stay away from the Tomlinsons..."

Ella promised to stay away from them, and take care of her littlesister Leah, but after her mom passed away, Louis Tomlinson from the famous boyband One Direction, was her only friend. They became close, and she slowly fell for Louis, and Louis slowly fell for her. But they knew they couldn't be together because of their parents. Louis' mom and Ella's mom was enemies at high school, and still was untill Ella's mom passed away. Their moms used to bully eachother. One day it went to far and Ella's mom started to cut all over her body, and when Ella's mom found a boyfriend it all got worse, cause Louis' mom got one too, and they got married, that turned out to be Louis' parents and Ella's parents. Louis' father hated Ella's mom cause she bullied Louis' mom, and then Ella's dad started to hate Louis' mom cause she bullied Ella's mom so she started to cut, so now they all hate eachother.

After Ella's mom passed away, her dad couldn't handle it anymore so he ran away to a place Ella don't know where is. But there's this one thing Ella gets everyday, a message from her dad. Ella's dad is watching Louis and Ella all the time so they have to be carefull. Her dad has people who watches them, but that doesn't stop them from being with eachother.

That's why they have to keep these secrets.

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