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Thoughts - Thoughts
Present - Present

Arthit’s Point of view

“Do you see that empty bench at the last of the canteen? Go over there and shout out loudly ' I will not defy my seniors' 10 times and ask 10 seniors for forgiveness after that get a new signature book and give it to your friend and tell him start collecting signatures from beginning. OK?”

Kongpob’s point of view
After the 3rd year hazers went away the 2nd year hazers gave us our signature book. We sat in our seats while they moved around distributing the notebooks.
Is he same person I met before? He looks the same but his attitude seems different. Maybe that incident changed him? Seems like he does not remember me at all. Do others with him recognise me? I hope not. I have to wait and find out more? I hope you are ready for me P'ARTHIT…

“Oye Kong oye you idiot come on let’s leave everyone’s leaving …”, called Aim, my best friend since school while smacking my arm.

“ Yes let’s go.” I replied.

“What were thinking so deeply about?” he asked.

“He studies in our college. He is our senior.” , I told him.

“Who?”, he asked furrowing his brows, confused.

“Him!!!”, I replied.

“Who him??”,he asked again not understanding what I am hinting at.

“ My Sun ❣️”, I told him so that he understands.

Oh my god!!!
Your sun. He is real. Who is he?” , he asked finally understanding what I meant.
How can he forget when I told him many times. He still thinks it’s all my drunk imagination.

“P’Arthit...”, after getting what meant I protested.
“Of course he is real.”

“ I thought it was just your drunk imagination.”, he mumbled but I still heard him.

“ What the heck! Aim I told you he is real. He also the same person whom I am supposed to get married to.”, I said to him mumbling the last sentence.
Thankfully he did not hear it.

“ Are you sure he is the one?”, he asked doubtful.
What’s with him doubting me so much. Huh I have always been considered very reliable by everyone.

“Yes I am sure.” , I replied.

“Well he doesn’t seems like the person you described him to be. He is scary. Didn’t you see how strict and rough he was?”, he questioned me again.

“ I know he is the one. Let’s go to the canteen and get signatures from seniors there would be many there.” , I said with finality.
I should stop this conversation right now or I am going to snap at him.

We walked silently towards the canteen getting signatures from the seniors we met on the way.

We have gotten few signatures when Ai' Aim suddenly spoke,“ Ai’Kong you know we have been friends since school. You know how nervous I get infront of others. Please help me get signatures. You are my friend na. Will you not help me na. Please.🙏”.

“Oi we are supposed to do the task individually. What if the seniors get angry?”, I questioned him.

“Please Ai’Kong help me out.”, he begged me pitifully looking ready to cry.
This stupid friend of mine. Aishhh he makes me look like a bad friend.

“Okay but you have to give me your new game to me for a month. Deal or no?”, I negotiated with him.
If I am doing this why not make the best of it.

“Okay. I will give you my game. Here is my signature book and I will see you later.” Said Ai’Aim handing me his notebook and running off with our new friends.

That scaredy cat handing me his work. Oh well I have to help him or he won’t get anything done.

College Cafeteria

As I reached the cafeteria I was surrounded by seniors wanting to know me.

All but the one I wanted to see. Well lets not waste the opportunity and get some signatures.

After I was done taking signatures of those seniors I moved towards my new friends when I heard a familiar voice calling my student ID number. I went towards the voice calling me.

“ Yes P'Arthit.”

He held his palm out asking for my signature books. Looking through them he asked , “Why do you have 2 signature book?”.

Oh no l shouldn’t have taken Ai’Aim’s signature book.

“One of them is my friend’s.”, I replied.

“Why do you have your friend’s signature book?” he asked again.

“ I am helping my friend get signatures”, I replied.

Wrong answer.

“ Can’t your friend do it himself.”, he questioned again.

He surely asks a lot of questions.

“But you never specified how we get the signatures.”, I replied smartly.

“ Do you have my signatures?”, he asked.

“ No not yet.”, I told him.

“ Do you want it?”, he asked me again.
He is willing to give his signatures without me asking. Somehow I am doubtful, there must be some twist.

He continued,“ Then you have to do a task for me. Will you?”.
I knew it.


“ Do you see that empty bench at the last of the canteen? Go over there and shout out loudly ' I will not defy my seniors' 10 times and ask 10 seniors for forgiveness after that get a new signature book and give it to your friend and tell him start collecting signatures from beginning. OK?”, he ordered.

I thought so this would happen I shouldn't have help Ai' Aim.

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