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Summer's POV

"This is so unlike me," I commented, holding my drink in my hands. I had yet to take a drink of the vodka soda and Quinn had taken a notice.

"Why?" she asked, giving me a weird look. We were sitting at the bar and she had been flirting with the bartender up until now.

"I'm not really one to go out," I explained. "While Michael's gone, I usually just sit at home and practice. I'm not really one to drink either."

"Why did you agree to come finally then?" I ignored her eying the bartender again. He was quite attractive, with large muscles, deep brown eyes, and a gorgeous smile.

I shrugged. "Michael went to visit his parents so he was gone. I guess I just didn't feel like sitting at home and waiting for him to get back." I realized that my life has become quite boring. What was the point of just waiting for things to happen? I felt like I was always waiting around while Michael was on tour or while I was with him, I was waiting for him to done with promo or whatever. I loved being in the orchestra, but it didn't take up as much time as I thought it would. I still practice many hours outside of rehearsal, but it just didn't seem to be enough.

"That makes sense," Quinn nodded. "Well, I think you need to loosen up, take a drink and then we'll dance!" she exclaimed.

"Uh, I think I'm good without the dancing part."

"Oh come on, Summer! I haven't had someone to go out with me since I moved here. It'll be so much fun!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Fine," I finally agreed. I tipped back my cup, the alcohol burning my throat. "I'm gonna need another drink if I'm going to do this," I said and she called over the bartender, ordering me another. I downed it faster than the first and I began to feel the effects. "Alright. I think I'm ready."

"Yay!" Quinn said and pulled me to the dance floor, gripping tight onto my wrist. A fast, uptempo song was playing with so much bass. I hadn't been paying attention to the top 40 songs, so I wasn't sure what it was, but Quinn had announced that she loved this song. She was proving to be quite different out of rehearsal, but her personality was refreshing.

I began to move my hips to the music, lifting my hands above my head. I closed my eyes and felt the music run through my body. I had a flashback to highschool, when I first danced with Michael and I thought of his hands tight on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I suddenly felt hands actually hold onto my waist. I was brought out of my trance and turned around to find a guy that looked to be in his 30s. "You looked so good, I couldn't help myself," he whispered, leaning close to my ear. His breath reeked of alcohol and it was revolting. I shook my head at him and stormed off the dance floor. "Hey!' I heard the guy call after me, but I ignored him and just walked back over to the bar.

"Another drink?" the bartender asked in his deep thick accent and I nodded. I had been living in Australia for like seven years, but I had yet to become accustomed to the sexy accents the people had.

"There you are!" Quinn said, breathless and joined me at the bar. "What happened?"

"This guy tried to grope me, so I bolted. I think this was a bad idea," I said, taking a drink.

"Guys can be jerks, Summer. It was your first time. Don't give up on me now," she complained.

I knew she was right, but I hated to have anyone else's arms on me like that than Michael's. I missed him so much and he wasn't even going to be home for another few hours. "i guess I can give it another try, but not tonight. I'm getting really tired and Michael is going to be home soon." I tipped my head back, finishing my drink and setting the cup down loudly. "I think I'm just gonna call a cab. I wanna sober up a bit before he gets home."

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