Chapter 24: Black Trio Reunite

Start from the beginning

It's time to get serious. I roll back my sleeves while Chuuya throws his coat over his shoulders and Dazai finally takes his arm out of his cast.

"Ability: Frozen Eye..." I mutter, already tired at the thought of dealing with small fry. I freeze the entire ground leading up to the army and cover their bodies with ice.

"Kay, its your turn. I'm gonna take a quick power nap while you guys take care of the rest." I say as I lay on the ground.

Chuuya sighs as he uses gravity to slam them onto the ground, "At least you helped out, unlike this idiot whose not even doing anything."

"Do I even need to? You're handling it well already." Dazai says as he blows some earwax from his fingers after picking at his ear.

"Don't even bother Chuuya, you already now how lazy he is." I say with my eyes closed.

"How mean, my girlfriend shouldn't be ganging up with this filth!" Dazai whines.

"Who are you calling filth?!" Chuuya yells in anger, but it quickly subsides.

"This is seriously the worst day ever..."

Now that the nuisances are gone, the three of us enter the building.

"Do you know what Petrus is?" Chuuya asks,

"That flabbergastingly expensive wine?" I believe I've heard of it before, but never tried it.

"Yeah, I opened it and guzzled it down when Dazai left in celebration. That's just how happy I was."

"I remember setting a bomb underneath your car that night too." Dazai says in return.

"I tried to stop him, but he just wouldn't listen."

"That was your doing?! I really can't stand you." Chuuya mutters.

"I hate everything about you too." Dazai mutters back.

The two just don't realize how damn similar they are. I karate chop both of their heads.

"Owww Kirino-chan that hurts!" they both whine. They look at each other in anger after saying the same lines.

"Shut it, you idiots." I snap, raising my fists in a threatening manner.

"Yes ma'am..." they shiver in response.

We reach the underground, a tree binds Q to itself.

"Kill him." Chuuya says, already knowing that Dazai swiped his knife from him earlier.

"Oh? If you say so~" Dazai calls mockingly as he swings the knife down, only for it to land on the tree bark close to Q's face. He starts to carve the tree to get Q out.

"You hypocrite." Chuuya blandly says.

"If Q is alive, he's going to be my safety net. You're going to need me to control him." Dazai responds.

I pick up Q onto my back as Dazai carries the doll.

"Oi Dazai hand over the doll! And Kirino-chan, Q must be pretty heavy, I can carry him." There is a clear distinction in his voice as he addresses the both of us respectively.

"Nope, he's my insurance."

"He's not heavy so I should be fine." We both reject him.

I'm looking back at the two as I walk, so I don't notice until it's too late. A tentacle wraps itself around my waist and I drop Q. Luckily, Chuuya catches him on time.

The tentacle whips my body around, and everything just happens so quickly that before I know it, I feel immense pain as my body slams into the building. It takes me awhile before I can piece together my thoughts as I stand up from the rubble.

"Kirino!" I hear Chuuya and Dazai yell.

"What the hell is that ability..." I mutter to myself as I brush off the debris from my clothes. A trail of blood trickles from my shoulder and down to my arm.

"Are you okay?" Chuuya rushes to my side and holds my uninjured shoulder.

"Yeah... I should be okay..." I wince as he helps me stand up.

"So what should we do?" Chuuya asks.

"What do you mean? Bring on any gift, and I'll touch it with my fingers and done! Easy." Dazai casually says, shrugging his shoulders. "Now get your hands off of Kirino-chan already!"

As soon as he ends his statement, a tentacle comes flying at him and he crashes into a tree. I guess it's not an ability then if it can do that to Dazai...

"Dazai!" the two of us yell in concern. Two tentacles make their way towards us.

Chuuya punches it with his ability, demolishing it, while I freeze mine, shattering it to pieces.

"A heavy fist..." the tentacle man groans. He does not look human...

We rush over to Dazai who only now has started to get up slowly.

"Are you okay?" I run to him, holding up his body in concern. He lifts up his face, and I gasp. He's bruised and his head is bloody. I lightly cup his cheeks.

"You're hurt pretty badly." Chuuya says in surprise.

"Those tentacles are strange. I can't disable them." Dazai manages to say.

"No way. Is that even possible?" Chuuya exclaims.

"Yeah. It is possible if it's not an ability. The man isn't human." I answer as I help Dazai stand up to his full height. His weight is mostly leaning on me however.

I take out a handkerchief and wipe his face of blood and dirt. He smiles down at me and I return it with my own. He lets himself off my body and takes my hand as we walk towards the tentacle man.

"Alright let's do things the old way. How about Operation Shame and Toad?" Dazai proposes.

"Huh, what is this, Rain Beyond the Window? It's more like Lie of the fake Flowers." Chuuya replies haughtily.

Oh what's the point of even arguing when we already know which plan we're going to proceed with already.

"Chuuya, when have my plans ever went wrong?" Dazai smirks.

"Dammit," Chuuya concedes.

"Hey!" Dazai catches his attention while Chuuya and I hide behind him as we wait for the perfect moment.

"Dispatch the enemy and go home." the tentacle man groans. He shoots out his tentacles so now is the time!

Chuuya jumps right before it hits Dazai and kicks it away. I propel Chuuya with my ice as he punches the man right through the stomach.

"Gravity manipulation." Chuuya activates his ability as he lifts them both and throwing down the man in to the Earth. I encase him in ice for extra measure, cutting off his oxygen supply.

Now let's see if he can withstand this...

Frozen Eye (Dazai Osamu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now