Once I put that box back I moved to another aisle, there was so much to explore and find. I saw a box which had 'Time Pieces' written on it, I supposed that meant things like clocks and watches. I pulled it down and opened it, inside was a gorgeous tiny clock face on a chain, the tag called it a pocket watch, like many of the objects in the boxes it was dirty, but the scratches in the dirt told me it was gold once.

In another box I found a load of holographic discs with stickers on one side, they were labelled as CD's and DVD's. In one of the many display cases was a lot of jewellery, some of it looked like new as if they had just been taken from a shop window, but others looked like they were missing bits and were incredibly rusted and dirty.

Around twenty minutes later Eric and I were sat down in one of the aisles, he was on a chair playing with a ball he had found and I was on the floor with several boxes at my feet "why do you find all this so fascinating?" He asked.

"I don't know, it just is, it's like looking into the past"

"Dauntless never look back" he said.

I chewed my cheek and concentrated on the box I was looking through "well if you don't think this is appropriate Dauntless behaviour then why bring me here?"

He shrugged and kept bouncing his ball on the floor. I got up and put the box back where I had found it and sat back down to open the next one. About three boxes later Eric had thrown his jacket off and was reading a book he had found on one of the bookshelves, I had found a box of random paper, some of it plain, some of it had strange documents with numbers and words that didn't make sense "the paper feels different" I said as I felt it between my thumb and forefinger.

"They used to make it out of trees, but nearly everything is synthetic now" things had to be synthetic, we didn't have the resources to make things the way people used to.

Ten minutes later Eric and I were laughing over some of the strange things I had found. I understood why he had brought me there, Eric didn't care about old earth, if any other Dauntless members had started wondering about those times he would have scolded them because Dauntless don't look back, they don't care about the past, today is all that matters, but he had put his views aside to bring me to that place because he wanted to be with me again, he wanted to show me that he could think of someone else's desires even if they went against everything he believed in.

"We need to leave soon" I nodded solemnly, though I made a promise to myself, this would be the last time I'd think about old Earth and wonder what it was like, once we left that building I'd only think of the future, as Dauntless should.

"Okay, let me just put these back" I didn't notice Eric disappear down one of the aisles and come back, by the time I had put each box away he was sitting exactly where I had last seen him, but he had a mischievous look about him and I knew something was up "what? What did you do?"

He pulled something from behind his back and held it out to me "it's a camera, they take pictures" it wasn't like it was described in Sherlock, it wasn't large with a handheld light and a sheet over one end, it was small and compact, it could probably have fit in Eric's pocket.

I smiled and took it from him, it didn't work, but it was still interesting to look at, at least I knew what it did now.

"Come on, we'd better go" I nodded and handed him back the camera, he put it back and then we both grabbed our jackets, though the room was too stuffy for us to put them back on. We came out of the first door we came through and then the grate, when we came to the last door at the end of the hallway Eric had to swipe Pierce's card again for us to get out.

We closed the door behind us and Eric left the card under a brick which hadn't been there before, when we looked up there was a group of Erudite staring at us, they must have instantly known that we weren't supposed to be there "you two! Who are you? What's your authorisation?"

Eric and I shared a look before Eric grabbed my hand and started running "hey! Stop! Stop!"

But we didn't stop, we ran as fast as we could while laughing hysterically, when we were far enough away we stopped running to catch our breath and laughed until our sides hurt, I think Eric secretly wanted to get caught, because our escape had been the best part of that day.

But we didn't stop, we ran as fast as we could while laughing hysterically, when we were far enough away we stopped running to catch our breath and laughed until our sides hurt, I think Eric secretly wanted to get caught, because our escape had be...

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Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now