dorm and rival on a date

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It was almost dinner by the time we left the fourth year dorms. We'd left Chi Shili behind, she had some things to do before school started up tomorrow. Canren had properly been thinking over things and seemed to have come to a conclusion about why I was upset earlier, but as Xin Ai was still with us she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut about it. If, after all this, she still doesn't have the right answer, I'll refuse her as my aunt and send her back home as punishment. I'll even take her new identity(the one that proves she's my age)if I have too.

Canren studied the sky, "Are you going to have enough time to finish the sword by tomorrow? The shops should be closing soon."

"I should be fine. If all else fails, I'll do it without the proper heating and materials." He said, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

If this was Earth than I would deem it impossible, but here there was magic. Something like that must be possible. I imagined him rubbing a plant all over my sword and healing the cracks. It probably wasn't what he was imagining; yet an interesting though nonetheless. I'll have to ask him to show me one day.

"Can I go with you?" For now, his usual blacksmithings skills would have to do. Canren seems surprised that he thinks he can still make it so there must be a secret to what he's about to do. I wonder what other magics and things he can do. That fight from earlier was amazing, after all.

He nodded with his usual grin at me than turned to Canren, "What about you, Canren? What are you doing after this?"

I turned my face from Xin Ai to her and glared. I was still mad at her. Until she could prove that she was repenting I wasn't going to forgive her, even if temporarily.

"I'll just go get us a dorm room." She rubbed her head. Good, she still knew she was in trouble. "Mei and I are going to share a room. Would you like me to get yours while I'm at it?"

"Is that alright?"

I handed her my slip.

"Oh, of course! I have a few ways to get past some of the rules. Really, it's no trouble!"

"I'll be troubling you- Um... I'll rely on you, than. Thank you."

"No problem! Well than I'll leave you two lovebirds for your date!"

My hand made a fist, but she was smart to say it and run away before I could do anything to her.

"Should we get going, then?"

I turned on my heel and gave him an upwards glance and cute, bright smile, "Yeah!"

We left the academy and started walking down the streets of the city. He asked around a few times and before long we were standing in front of a building with a burning hammer on the sign in front.

Xin Ai strode right in and walked up to the counter where a cute, short-haired girl sat. Despite her small frame you could see that she had a build better than most girls. "Welcome!" She said welcomingly, "What can I help ya with?"

Great, just what I need, another reasonably-aged girl. Too many rivals!

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