Jyuu = Giving Up her First Time

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"So when I say 'sex', how much do you understand?"

"It's an activity for creating a new form. A positive action." The one on the opposite side of the circle was now watching as the girl hungrily ate the fruit.

"Oh! Your super power is missing OUT!" I slapped my head. "It's a pleasurable activity meant for deepening, strengthening, and lengthening relationships! Not only that but you also discover new things about yourself you never knew! It's like a whole new world! An amazing and addicting world! Oh~ Penis, where have you gone my good, old friend? Oh penis!"

"Can I try one of those?" The guy next to me pointed to my hand.

I handed him a mushroom. He tried to tossed it into the air.

I laughed. "That'll never work on your first-"

He looked at me.

"Nevermind. How is it?"

He nodded his head happily, deciding quickly what he thought. He chewed and swallowed. "Weird, I like it."

I nodded back but almost fell over when I heard what the girl said to the other guy next.

"It's.. It's hard... To give it up. This is my first time... I don't know if I want to."

I held back my laughter and turned my attention to the other pair, not giving the guy next to me a second glance as I shoved the rest of the mushrooms in his direction.

"It's not like you are really losing anything... After a few times it won't matter anymore."

Oh my gosh he went along with it!

"I... I don't know... I feel like giving it up makes me loose and you gain." She pressed the fruit to her chest, trying to keep it to herself. In the process juices began dripping out and onto her skin, dripping down her chest.

I am so glad the golems of this world have clothes. Otherwise that would have been too unbearable. Even more so than it already is.

He was getting desperate now, "Come on! I don't know when I'll get this chance again!" He sat up and leaned over her.

She seemed to realize that as well. She never knew when she would get this chance again. She made her decision, "No! No, I won't let you!" She scooted away before turning and began crawling away as fast as she could.

"No, wait! Please! I already gave you so much! I deserve that much!" He grabbed her.

What do you mean you gave me? You didn't give me anything! I was the one who took it! You were a coward!" She stood up and shook him off, only now showing her resolve.

"But... But..." He was at her feet now. Lookin pitiful.

The girl realized she won and took the fruit away from her protective care against her chest. She looked down at it and blinked. "Here, You can have this." She pointed to her chest.

I covered my mouth. What am I seeing here, did this actually just happen? In real life?

The mushroom guy was sitting where he had been at the beginning, munching away happily.

I smiled and got up to leave. My work here is done. I left feeling satisfied like I haven't felt here yet. Spreading pleasure must be my calling. Well than, onto the next group.   

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