Chapter 17

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Haven't updated in what seems like forever but it was only a couple days ago so let me know what you think of this chapter!!!!!!

Auburn’s POV

“Nothing will happen to you I promise and I love you.” Those words kept repeating in my head over and over and over again and I can’t seem to get them out of my head why must this happen to me I have gone through enough for lifetimes I’ve been abused threatened heartbroken and now pressured to leave the love of my life. I can’t help but think that I will have to go through with this and I may never see Noah again because either option that I chose I will lose him in some way. If I go with him then I won’t see him again. If I don’t go with him then Noah will be killed and anyone who stands in the way. I turn over in my bed and look at Noah sleeping peacefully next to me he looks so handsome and innocent while he is sleeping he looks as though he doesn’t ever worry about anything. I get up and he moves slightly but doesn’t wake up I go downstairs and write a note for him telling him what is going on and why I’m doing this. I go kiss each of my siblings on the forehead before I head into Noah’s room and I walk over to him kiss him softly on the lips careful as to not wake him up.

“I love you Noah. I always will I promise.” I whispered softly.

I laid the note down on the night stand grabbed a duffel bag and threw some clothes in it and with one more look at Noah I walked out of his room and downstairs hoping that I wouldn’t wake anyone. As soon as I got outside I changed into my wolf and picked the bag up in my mouth just as I was about to start running I saw a light go on in a room and the worst part it was Noah’s room he must have noticed that I wasn’t there. I saw him walk over to my side of the bed and pick up what I know is the note. After he finished reading it he collapsed in the floor and I heard his soft cries and why did it have to be like this. I couldn’t stand it anymore I took off into the woods without turning back. Once I got to the no man’s land I saw the person that I was looking for. Alpha Reeling.

“Ahhh so I see that you have changed your mind.” He asked

I just nodded I was still in wolf for so I couldn’t say much of anything.

“Well then follow me.”

He changed and took off I ran after him.

‘I love you Noah.’ I told Noah through our mind link because I knew as soon as I crossed the boundary line separating the two lands that I wouldn’t be able to talk to him anymore.

I haven’t done Noah’s POV in a while so here ya go!

Noah’s POV

I fell asleep by the love of my life and I knew that she was safe but I kept worrying about her. I felt her move and I assumed that she was going to the bathroom so I fell asleep I felt her kiss my lips softly and then walk over to get back in bed I thought but she didn’t. I heard movement and I just assumed she was taking care of something so I just stayed in bed. I started to get concerned when she didn’t come back to bed after 5 minutes so I got up and turned the light on only to see a note on her bed side table. I walked over to read it and it read.

‘Dear Noah,

I’m so sorry about this but I have thought about it and I have decided to go to Alpha Reeling because if I didn’t I would lose you and others that I care about so I have just gone to him I’m sorry that I told you like this but I can’t risk you being dead or gone in anyway. Please tell Tanya, Lacey and Zac that I love them and that I will try to see them again hopefully soon but I don’t know. I love you Noah and again we will eventually see each other again. I promise this I’m not gone I’m just away temporarily.

With all the love, passion and emotion in my body

Auburn <3 I love you don’t forget me’ 

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