Chapter 2

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OKKK sooo chapter number two look i know that these are shorter chapters but just bear with me I'm trying and i'm getting some writters block and sentance structures confused hope you like it this time we hear a little of noahs side of the story..

Noah's POV

I’m in the worst mood I think that I’ve ever been in I had to run all of the patrols yesterday and I almost had to run them again this morning that is until I blew up at my sister for some stupid reason. So I’m on my way to school for the day which is the last place that I wanna be right now it’s boring, stupid and useless cause I’m not gonna be able to do anything with it. While I’m walking in the school something really strong scent and it is like a tropical blend of strawberries, kiwis, watermelon, pineapple and oranges.  I’m completely blown away by it too It’s like everything else disappeared and I could only focus on that so when I’m walking down the hall trying to find where it leads I run almost smack dab into one of my best friends, Kyle, he’s gonna be my beta when we “come of age” so are fathers say. So anyway as I was saying he gets me out of my little daze that I was having and then we just end up talking about how summer went and how things were going around the pack seeing as I wasn’t here most of the summer cause my dad thinks that It’s important to travel around the world to meet and alliance with other packs. While we are talking I feel this little bump into my back and I hear a small “oof” and then I whip around just in time to catch someone who had just walked into my back rather quickly might I add. When I look down to see who it was that had run into me I found myself lost in a daze again as that tropical smell is enhanced by 100 and then I know that I’m looking at the one that I had smelled when  I walked into the building this morning. Then before I knew it there was a small groan coming from the back of my throat but I kept it contained because I didn’t wanna scare her away when I had just met her.  Then I hear


That’s when I know why I could smell her this morning mixed in with all the other scents. So I stand her back up onto her own two feet. I ask her “Gosh, are you ok that’s quite a fall that could have been?” hoping to hear her voice but to my dismay she only nods her head once.

“Your new here right?”

“Yea, this is my first day here” Holy cow she has such an angelic voice I swear that I could have died had I not been trying to keep a conversation going with her so that I could hear that sweet voice again.    

“So what’s your name? I’m Noah just so you know.”

“My name is Auburn.”

“Well it’s my pleasure meeting you Auburn. Would you like me to show you around to your classes and introduce you to your teachers and your peers?”

“Ummm……. Sure I was just trying to make my way to homeroom but I haven’t a clue where I’m going”

“Ok I can show you lemme see your schedule.”


“O cool so you and I have homeroom 2, 4, lunch, 7 and 8 together so I guess that you’ll be seeing a lot of me today and the rest of the school year.”

Isn't that just great first day of school and my wolf is gonna be distracting me trying to get to Auburn all day long im not gonna be able to do anything.......

Today is gonna be so difficult I hope that I don’t get to distracted in class with her cause I don’t think ill be able to keep my eyes off of her. The only thing I think I’m gonna be thinking about today is not Newtons laws but how I can make Auburn mine. Cause lord knows I probably won’t sleep until she is my wolf is already getting anxious to see are little mate again.

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