Chapter 36

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I release her from the hug before cupping her cheeks in my hands I stroke her cheeks looking into her eyes full of pain and loss, those sparks I saw when she laughed were gone.

" my name means pure but my heart is not pure but dark and filled with hate," she says softly bringing her head down in shame.

" Everyone has a painful past but is how you deal with the pain that shows how strong you are" and I am taking from experience it brave enough to hide the pain but braver in letting go of what you feel.

" so that means you have a painful past? " she asks sock as she avoids my gaze.

"My father was not always this kind and free, he started training me at the age of six years" I breathe deeply as the memories clouds my mind "I never received any love all he cared was to build me up to be a king, the only person who was able to save me when it gets tough and made me smile was elder Mathias "

" my father kept on with this until I was taken away by his most trusted, his brother and his mate, " I say moving my hands from her cheeks before clutching my fist angrily by my side.

"calm down Lawrence, " she says placing her hands on mine, just the mention of my name from her lip made me relax.

"they took me away because of their selfish aims of taking the kingdom from my dad, I was starved, bitten, and forced to fight for my life just a 12-year-old boy deprived of love and care for a year," I say while taking sharp breaths.

" no one came to save you? " she asks, angrily and confusion lacing her voice.

" Elder Mathias came but before he came I ended their worthless life because I shifted at 13 years making it so easy," I say smugly.

She looked at me with wide eyes and mouth gape in amazement " I was never the same after that, I became cold, emotionless, and losing myself slowly in regret, but elder Mathias was they to pull me back to the surface " I say smiling at her, she returns the smile.

"thank you, " she says getting me by surprise " for what ?" I ask confused.

" for being here for me when I needed someone, for pulling me up," she says grinning widely, as she did so her eyes spark, I gaze down at her full lips just thinking about those lips on mine.

I move closer as she does the same staring intensely at my lips, I capture her lips in a passionate kiss pouring love and lust into this kiss, I lick her bottom lip asking for permission but she refuses to grant, finding another means I slip my hands to her ass squeezing lightly, she let out a low moan taking this opportunity I slip my tongue in, twirling my tongue around every corner of her mouth, her hand sinks into my hair tugging gently making me groan into the kiss.

Feeling the kiss getting more demanding I pull away before resting my head on hers we stare into the depths of each other eyes.

"as much, as I will like to mark you it won't be in the forest, " I say winking, blush creeps onto her cheeks before hitting my chest playfully.

I have something for her " wait I brought you something " I say bringing out a gold charming bracelet with I love you tag on it.

I have something for her " wait I brought you something " I say bringing out a gold charming bracelet with I love you tag on it

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