Where Am I?

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Waking up, she looked around. Everything looked the same as it usually did. She sighed, getting out of the bed she was laying on.

Walking into the bathroom, she almost screamed in surprise. There, standing in her shower, was Dr. Jack Bright. 

The grinning bastard.

She started to laugh, "What are you doing in my bathroom?" He smiled, his tone had no seriousness in it what so ever.

"Just checkin out the beauty in the other room." She laughed even harder. She was used to Jack's antics, and even played along with him. This was normal for her.

"Really now?" She laughed, starting to calm down. "And who would that so called 'Beauty' be?" She knew his answer.

"Why, it was me! Looking in the mirror!" She was on the floor now, tears rolling down her face from the laughter. He flopped down onto the bed, spreading his arms and legs to make himself into a star fish. She laughed even harder.

Then she stopped when hearing the sound of a child laughing. She was confused, the only other children here were either in another dimension or in containment. She shook it off to be her mind playing tricks on her.

She got up, brushing herself off before doing all the morning necessities. 

When she was done, she got in her uniform and went to work. None of the paperwork is going to do itself. She sighed, Jack was already gone. She walked through the halls of the Facility she had worked in for the past five years. Starting at only 20 years old, it was amazing at how quickly a College Student can be an intern for somewhere they wanted to work. Let alone be immediately hired after they graduated College. 

Her head hurt, it felt as if someone hit her with a car. She decided to go into the break room to get some coffee before going to her office. "Dr. Solice?" She looked up to see an Facility Guard looking down at her from where she was sitting.

"What is it?" She replied before taking a sip of her coffee and looking back down at the file in front of her. She didn't like being interrupted while working.

"Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef would like to have a meeting with you. Now." He added the end of his sentence hesitantly. She sighed, and got up as the poor man backed up.

"Oh? And what do they want now?" She muttered harshly under her breath. She looked back up at the Guard and smiled. "I'm sorry, none of my anger is towards you. But if I do snap at you, please know that it wasn't meant to be towards you." He nodded meekly before leading her to Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef, who where having an all out war. "Oh for fucks sake." She growled, the guard beside her taking a step to the left from the now fuming doctor.

"If you would stop calling me Konny, maybe I won't have to call you snake eyes!" Kondraki practically yelled at Clef as he kept dodging the bullets with his sword and slashing at Clef every chance he got. 

"Well, your last fucking name is too long. Would you like me to call you Dr. Sloth instead?!" Clef fired back, literally. He was firing sexual lubricant at Kondraki, which would have been amusing if she didn't have a headache. She kept watching though.

Kondraki dodged the bullet, only to have some lubricant splattered onto his face while the rest of it was on the wall, or on Dr. Solice herself. "That would be worse! Why not just call me K instead!" He lacerates at Clef, but Alto blocks it with his gun. 

Dr. Solice growled, "That's enough!" Both of the other researchers stop their movements, with Clef falling face first on the floor. "What the fuck is going on, and why are you both having an all out war between eachother?!" She yelled, her headache only getting worse. They stared at her, staying silent. 

"We are researchers of the SCP Foundation, not the Chaos Insurgency to where we cause a fucking war. We can goof off sometimes, but no causing wars. Am I understood." She stated, glaring down at the two men. They didn't say anything. "Am I, or am I not, Understood?!" She growled out. They stood up, nodding quickly, muttering yes under their breaths. She sighed. "Now, what meeting was I supposed to have with you two?" 

Dr. Clef stood up, clearing his throat, "We have been informed by the O5 Commander to go to her office, but before we do, we need to have a meeting."

She had a look of confusion across her features. "A meeting on what?" Dr. Kondraki pulled out a chair.

"You may leave." He told the Facility Guard off, he nodded before walking out the door and shutting it. "A meeting on what we have done so far in this place." He stared at the other two.

She grabbed a chair, sitting down crossing one leg over the other. "Oh? And why is that?" They both shrugged, they had no idea either. She looked up. "Oh." 

On the ceiling was a security camera, watching them, and most likely hearing their conversation. The other two Senior researchers also looked up, and nodded in understanding.

"So, Solice, you wanna start?" Dr. Clef gestured over to her, she sighed.

"Sure." She started, "So, I've noticed something in SCP- 239. It's able to bend time and space, and even stop it. It didn't breech containment, though fortunately. It decided to show the Class-D what it can do." She ended with that, before looking towards Dr. Kondraki. "Do you have anything?" 

Each and every one of them had explained what they have gotten done, before the door behind Dr. Solice opened. 


Word Count: 0963


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