A Year Later

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"Zosia! We're going to be late!" Said Arthur, he had began to pace the flat as he never liked to be late for work, his flatmate emerged from her room, dressed and ready for work "Calm down Arthur we've got fifteen minutes.." She said and Arthur rolled his eyes at his flatmate. before he looked at the calendar and realised it had been a year to the day that Jesse had left her, it had been a very difficult time for Zosia admittedly, it took a liver scare to make her pack in the drinking, she had come close to liver failure had she not stopped drinking,

it was this that made her realise she had a problem, she had now stopped drinking completely it hadn't been easy and to be fair she struggled with withdrawal but with help from Dominic and Arthur she had managed it, they had banned all alcohol, because they didn't want to cause temptation for they're recovering flatmate, in her recovery months Zosia had began to curse and blame Jesse for her problems, and had grown to distaste him. She had forbidden Arthur and Dominic from ever mentioning his name to her as one mention of her past lover slowed her recovery and brought everything back.

Arthur was glad to see that his flatmate was becoming more like her old self again, he knew in the months of hearing her cry in her sleep and the depression that seemed to have taken the Zosia he knew well away, but he knew she was still there deep down and was fighting her way back and eventually she won, she was smiling again, laughing a lot more. It seemed Zosia had got herself back on track, and seemed to be recovering well.

But how long would it be until something tipped her over the edge once more and she reached for the bottle again?

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