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Arthur, Zosia and Dominic all arrived in the locker room to change into they're scrubs. And had made sure they were ready within five minutes of they're shifts starting Dominic and Arthur were about to head out on the ward when Sacha approached them.

"Doctor Digby & Doctor Copeland a word." Sacha asked and both doctors nodded. They followed him into a consultants office and closed the door behind them.

"What's this about Mr Levy?" Dominic asked as they sat down. "I know you two are good friends with Zosia and are also her flatmates and I know the past year has been quite difficult for Zosia. And i think its best she hears this from you both." Sacha began, Arthur and Dominic looked at each other.

"Doctor Law has been offered a permeant contract by Mr Self and its to my acknowledgement that Doctor Law has agreed on the terms set by Mr Self that he stays away from Zosia." Sacha explained

"Is Mr Self out of his mind? After everything he put Zosia through." Dom and Arthur both said together.

"She already hates her father, she'll aboustely loathe him for this." Said Dominic, he was mad too that his boss could even think of hiring Jesse after everything he had done

He was the reason Zosia had almost drank herself to death, he was the reason Zosia had a close shave with Liver Failure, he was the reason she had spent months in a deep depression, life sucked out of her.

"Now Doctor Copeland you very well know that everyone deserves a second chance to put mistakes behind them." Sacha said.

"Mr Levy do you the extend of Zosia's troubles? Did you know if she hadnt stopped drinking she would most likely be on the transplant list waiting for a new liver. He pushed her over the edge, he caused Zosia's drinking problem." Dominic added. Sacha was amazed, he knew that his F2 was going through a rough time but he hadn't known to the full extend.

"Just keep him away from Zosia." Dom said and Arthur agreed "the last thing she needs is him messing her up again." They both said and headed out to the ward.

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