Chapter Nine

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"I'm sorry about earlier." I mutter as Romeo drove us to the school. "I knew she'd figure it out, but I didn't know she'd react like that."

"It's fine." Romeo said turning into the parking lot.

When the car came to a full stop, I started to get up, just to be stopped by a hand on the shoulder. Romeo was looking at me with a gentle smile, one that was quickly reflected on my own lips.

"Did you want something?" I asked, able to hear the happiness in my tone.

"You." Romeo replied.

I smirked at him. "I mean, if you're quick we won't miss first period."

"You perv." He muttered as he leaned in and kissed me. "Maybe some other time."

"Better make it soon. All these close calls are making me horny as fuck." I whispered into his ear. "And I bet I could make you feel really really good."

"Time to go!" The amber eyes boy quickly said, getting out of the car and starting to walk off. I love messing with this guy.

First period today was... It was gym. I truly hate this class. And I don't even share it with Romeo. Luckily I don't have Deric either, so that's a plus.

I was just starting to change when someone grabbed my shoulder roughly and pushed me against my own locker.

"You little shit! How could you mess with Romeo like that?!" Someone asked me, forcing my head against the cold metal. "He's not some kind of freak like you!"

Now, you may think that after everything I'd have learned not to be a smartass. That I'd have any sort of survival instincts. Haha, nope.

"Well if he isn't a freak like me, he's doing a great job of pretending." I commented. "And he sure is a freak in bed."

"Shut up!!!"

My head was pulled back and slammed into the locker, making everything go blurry for a moment. Let's just say that this doesn't feel like a warm hug.

They grabbed my arm and started twisting it back, fire spreading through my veins. "GAH~!! PLEASE! It HURTS!!"

"That's the point." The guy holding me down hissed in my ear. "We're going to make you wish you were never even born."

Pain soared through my arm until I heard a sickening crack from my shoulder. "Help me!!! Someone!!!!"


I felt the tension on my arm relax as the boy was pulled off me, but the pain didn't leave. The muscles felt like lava had been poured over them, and my arm wouldn't stop screaming.

As I slid to the floor, I watched three or four large guys kicking another boy. I tried to stand. I needed to help the boy, he saved me. My legs wouldn't move as I was forced to watch until they left, letting me see the blond German boy on the ground, beaten and bruised.

I dragged myself over, ignoring the throbbing in my shoulder all I could. "Warren..."

"Hey there..." He muttered looking up at me from the floor. "Fancy meeting you here..."

"Why..?" I asked, feeling the weakness in my tone. "Why hurt yourself like this just for me..?"

"You know why." Warren said with a soft, sad smile.

I forced myself to stand, still unable to move my arm properly. "I'll get help."

"I thought I was the help?"

"Just shut up!"

I can feel the hot tears coming off of my face. Gods... I've actually been avoiding Warren because I knew this would happen... I'd just breakdown.

"Just..." Falling back down again, I held onto him. "Just shut up, you moron..."

I'm such a bad person... I left him because I thought it would make things easier for him. Or maybe just easier for me... But then I turn around and start dating someone else after a few months, and I don't say a word, and... I'm awful.

"Don't cry." Warren told me, gently wiping away one of my tears. "Please don't cry."

"I just... I don't know what's wrong with me anymore..."

"Absolutely nothing." He said, leaning towards me.

A gentle kiss. Bliss by definition. Memories forced their way into my head. Every moment together came back. When he pulled back, it was so light that it was as if his lips were never there.

"I'm sorry..." Warren muttered, looking down with shame.

I don't know what to say. I just... I don't know. "It's fine, but it can't happen again."

"I know." He replied. "I wasn't thinking."

"We need to get to the nurse." I told him, forcing the conversation in another direction.

Warren tried to stand, but fell before even getting to his feet. I grabbed him and attempted to help him with my good arm, but it was less of two people trying to help each other than it was one three legged thing stumbling around and wincing a lot.

"Miss Ingrid. We need help." I said. Trying to push the door open with my foot.

The nurse popped out from behind a curtain. "Julian, how is it that you get so messed up so often?" She asked, taking Warren and helping him sit down on a bed. "What happened to you boys?"

"Some guys were messing with me and Warren got in their way." I explained. "Don't worry about me, just make sure he's ok."

The nurse frowned, but walked over to check on Warren. I can't help how responsible I feel for all of this. If I wasn't with Romeo, they wouldn't be after me so much. If I didn't leave Warren, he wouldn't be so upset all the time. If I wasn't gay, none of this would be a problem at all.

If I wasn't gay, maybe things would be easier.

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