Chapter Seven

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Ok, I am actually very disappointed that I'm not having sex right now, but Grace is pretty cool. Total cock block, but otherwise cool. I'm sorry, I become very inappropriate when I'm horny...

"So how'd you meet?" Romeo's cousin asked with a shit eating grin. "Nice gay bar? A club? Oh, did you guys match on Grindr?"

"Actually, he just messed up his ankle in gym class and I brought him to the nurse." My boyfriend explained. Gods, it's amazing that I can say that...

"I bet it was heaven for the gay pervert over here." Grace said.

Maybe I don't like her as much as I thought. "I'm not a pervert..."

"I was referring to Romeo." She added with a smirk.

"Ok, I didn't even know that guys were an option for me until awhile after meeting Julian. So no, I wasn't doing anything to his defenseless body."

"You were just thinking about it." His cousin decided. "Anyways, are you two out?"

"I am, and Romeo is with the school." I explained.

Grace raised a brow. "You haven't told Aunt Carla?"

Romeo shrugged slightly, looking down. "I don't know, I guess I haven't really gotten around to it."

I gently took his hand in my own. "Don't worry, it's ok not to tell her yet. Take your time."

"Awwwww, that's so sweet and adorable!" Grace cooed. "You should go straight so that I can have a try at you."

"Back off." Romeo said with a glare.

Fuck... Why does Grace have to be here? Just, please, leave so Romeo and I can have some time. Wow, I guess I am a gay pervert... That sure looks great for the community.

Grace nearly freaked out. "Your protectiveness is even cuter!"

Romeo rubbed the back of his head. "You're not gonna tell my mom, aren't you..?"

"What, that you nearly fucked your boyfriend right in front of your cousin?" She asked. "Nah, but I'll hold it over you forever."

"It's not like anything actually happened." I mentioned, sipping my tea. "You kinda showed up before anything could."

"Well, technically you walked in on me sitting at the computer, not me interrupting you two being gay as fuck." Grace countered.

Romeo frowned. "I don't like how you keep mentioning it like that... Why can't it just be a relationship?"

"Meh, I find its more fun to mention the gay." I commented.

Grace nodded. "Yeah, and it usually embarrasses someone."

"Makes them uncomfortable."

"Someone get offended."

"If there's a gay guy around, they might get aroused."

"Points out how much cooler the relationship is compared to a straight couple."

"Makes gay people even more fabulous."

Romeo shook his head slowly. "I really hate that you two had to meet now of all times..."

"Yeah, if you were already out, this wouldn't be nearly as entertaining." Grace said with a smile.

Ok, I totally love this girl.

Then she turned and looked right at me. "So, Julian. Tell me about yourself."

Well then. About me. Right.

"Well, I enjoy musicals, video games, overly complex board games, cartoons, and making fun of stupid people. I was part of the academic club for six year over junior and senior high, and I am in the top place for valedictorian"

Grace smiled. "So, pretty much the opposite of Romeo."

"Pretty much." The soccer player replied.

The day went quickly after that, with Romeo taking me home because he was feeling protective and didn't want me walking home. Which may have been a good choice, seeing as I went into a pretty bad coughing fit during the drive...

Romeo practically carried me to the door, my mom helping him when we got inside.

"Has he been like this long?" She asked.

Romeo shook his head. "No, he just started coughing and got really weak while I was driving him back."

My mom glared at me out of concern. "Sounds like someone hasn't been taking his meds."

"I'm not really weak, and I am not some kind of druggy." I muttered as they put me on the couch with a glass of water.

A couple of pills were placed in my hand. "Please take these, sweetheart. You need to keep up on your medicine."

"Oh yeah, I can either die slowly or wish I was dying slowly while shoving pills down my throat. Love my options."

"I don't hound you about it because I know you don't like to think about the fact that you're sick, but that doesn't mean you can go without your meds." My mom said calmly, but I knew she was scared.

The treatments weren't doing a lot. They took away my fabulous hair, made me feel like garbage, and made it so I had to take way too many drugs just to keep standing. Of course, because of those drugs, I had to take another set of pills to make sure that I didn't have mass organ failure, because apparently side effects are a bitch.

The treatment wasn't killing the cancer, just keeping it from growing.

"Please take the pill, sweetheart." My mom said, her voice cracking.

I took the tablet and threw it in my mouth, then took a large sip of water. This sucks. And to think, today has been so good up until now. People were talking to me, Romeo was sexy as Hell, Grace seemed cool, and then cancer.

Romeo walked into the room. When did he leave? "I just called my dad. He says it's fine for me to stay and help Julian out."

"Alright. Do you want the couch?" Mom asked.

"Actually, I was hoping that I could stay in Julian's room." Romeo said. "If he needs something, I want to be available for him."

She squinted her eyes suspiciously, looking from him to me. Her eyes closed entirely for a moment as she let out a breathe. "Fine. But I don't want to hear anything from in there."

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