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The progression of my interactions in this story has changed so much throughout. Julian's visual looks were originally based on my boyfriend of the time, tiny and with an amazing set of chocolate eyes. Romeo just started out as the stereotypical "golden boy", but grew to so much more, with many of his problems and his confusion being based on my own experiences. This story has been an outlet for me in many ways, and I hope that's ok with you all as the readers.

I wanted to make something where the writing was good, the characters were confused, and their reasoning behind choices was bad. I wanted to make love. I wanted to make pain. I wanted to make 'happily ever after' a little less happy (Yeah, I've got a dark brain hole). But most of all, I wanted something that was REAL. I've had some weird and fucked up stuff happen in my life, and it left me semi insane, but I wanted to use that. I wanted to use my life to make Romeo's life. To make Julian's life. To make their lives REAL.

I don't know, I'm talking out of my ass. As I said, I'm missing some of that special brain goop at this point. Don't listen to a word I say.

Things are... So confusing at times. I'm not a good writer, and I know that. I just wanted to make something that let me speak. During my time writing part three, I realized I was gay (At the start, I thought I was bi). Things were hard at times, and everything was always so confusing. And... Honestly, that confusion may have translated into the story a little too much. Sorry about that.

Well, I should get out of the way and let you read the gayness, so fair well. And as always, I am yours truly and forever,
Killian Joyus
A.K.A. Blew Neko

And if my aunt read this... I'm sorry...

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