Prologue; The Universe And Everything in it

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          In the darks of space, there is one planet in the middle of nowhere. No this planet is not Dayadra, nor is it Traneloth. This planet is significantly smaller, has less of a population, and is much less beautiful than either of these planets. This planet is named Maroidal. Maroidal is not an average planet besides its size.

            This is how Maroidal can be described in the nicest way possible. It is so tiny, Rodakg is a giant compared to it. It is so technologically disabled, Mupsal’s early tree people seem highly advanced compared to Maroidal’s citizens. Sullotion’s tiniest town, Sroyb, has a larger population than the entire planet of Maroidal. Campistor’s boiling hot, mostly molten rock, with other molten materials, and a little bit of rock surface is like a paradise here. The government is so terribly awful, that the people are always sad, and the government controls everything. In other words, you wouldn’t want to be on this planet; unless you were a citizen here.

            Or at least, these are the rumours. No one has actually visited the planet; but for those few bravely stupid people who have, none have returned. That is why people believe these rumours, and worse. Some of those may only be rumours, but they might not. Some even say that it is like Planet Fifty-one, that it has a mysterious force shield around it that will get any person lost if they get near the planet. But to the inhabitants of Maroidal this planet was really nice, and that there was no way to live that was even as close to as good as Maroidal’s citizens live.

            This was especially true for one citizen, Tomlon Beranin. Tomlon Beranin was a usual Maroidanian. Or at least as normal as a Maroidanian can be. He really likes rocks, mountains, and caves. His favorite activity was counting rocks. He really loves Maroidal. But there is one thing that separates him from the two thousand (more or less) other Maroidanians. You see, Maroidanians are not creative, so what they know and see are their beliefs. They do not believe anything exists outside of their planet because they have no proof of anything outside their planet. Well they believe in the Grand Life, but that’s not important. But not Tomlon.

          Tomlon believed in the surreal. He believed that there was more to life than Maroidal. But he did not—no, could not—tell ANYONE. There is really only two laws in Maroidal. But one is best to be told now, and the other one might be revealed later.

          The main Maroidanian law that holds all of Maroidanians beliefs states that: If anyone is to believe that there is more to life than Maroidal, they will be banished from their mountain and given a mission. Their mission is to find life other than Maroidanians. And they must stay in that mountain for the rest of their lives.

          And Tomlon did not have any idea how to find life outside Maroidal, so he did not want to look. Because of that, he left his thoughts and ideas into the deep part of his mind, which was not that far in because Maroidanians have very small brains. There were people who shared the same belief as Tomlon, there always was, but those people he did not know or care about; except for one.

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