Harmione- Take Me Somewhere New

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"Don't deny you have feelings for her Harry! Go for it!" Ginny smiled at her ex.

Harry shook his head at the smiling girl.
"She's with Ron," he said pitifully.

Ginny nudged him, "It's never too late!" she whispered.

"Their wedding is in four hours! At least you've got Draco. But me? I've got nothing."

"Oh stop being such a sour puss! Go- stop the wedding. It has always been you and Hermione, don't stop now," chided the red head.

Harry sighed, am I really too late? Is she really taken by Ron?

Determined Harry set off to stop the wedding.


"If anyone has a reason why the marriage is to be stopped then please say so now," announced the priest.

Harry shifted nervously.

"No Hermione! It's always been you! No one else will have you! I'll be Merlin forsaken if you marry anyone else!" he shouted.

He was terrified Hermione was going to shout but to his shock, she ran down the aisle and grabbed his hand.

"Take me somewhere new,"

The end.

This is by NineTailsWolf

Please do not steal. Many thanks- Gabby

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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