Fremione - You Will Never Know

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Fred was dead.

Hermione couldn't believe it. She wouldn't.
But yet here she was four days after the funeral. At the will ceremony.

"Frederick Weasley has left a will," the solicitor called.

"Molly and Arthur Weasley will inherit his clothes and furniture and half his savings."
At this, Molly burst into tears.

"George will inherit WWW and all his spare shoes and hats. He will have the other half of his money." George went paler than a blank sheet of paper.

"Harry Potter has his consent to date his sister Ginny and to anything in his shop," the solicister continued.

"Ron Weasley- will inherit his room and any sheets of paper and such he deems useful,"

"Bill, Charlie and Percy are welcome to take any of his belongings and his plans for future uses,"

"Ginny has his consent to date whoever she deems fit and a letter in his sock draw bottom right."

"Hermione Granger will inherit his books and a letter in the book Hogwarts a History." 

And so that night, as Hermione got Fred's stuff, she couldn't resist reading his letter. She missed like he would have missed a brother and no one was the same.

 She missed like he would have missed a brother and no one was the same

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Hermione looked up at the wearily.

We will cross paths Fred. It's never too late.

Hermione trudged down the stairs without another word and out the door- she never returned.

By NineTailsWolf

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