text me when you've read it

and don't ever say that

because you know i love you

i love you
READ, 11:56PM



I open the picture and walk into the kitchen to make sure I'm not disturbing Jonah in his sleep. I sit on the counter and flip my hood up onto my head as I hug my knees to my chest.


I pause for a minute and smile. The way he writes my name just seemed so adorable. I love the weird curly 2 shaped a's he writes.

I can't stop hearing that name. That's the only thing that comes to my mind naturally.  "You know anyone hot here?", Paisley. "You want something?", Paisley. "Do you love anyone?", Paisley. That's all I've been thinking about the past weeks.


It's seems crazy. How can one possibly only think of me?

It seems crazy and impossible but it is true. You're stuck in my mind like a song. Replay and replay every second. You're a drug to me. I need you, you see, and not just as Piper's sister.

I breathe in a sharp breath and bite down on my lip.

I want to hold you in my arms when you can't sleep, I want to pamper you, I want to make you feel loved. I want to be able to call you mine and pick you up in public and kiss you. I want to get old with you.

My heart beats faster and I smile tightly. I wanted to do the same things.

When you get jealous, I just can't stop thinking about how cute and protective you are. When you're angry, I love it when you kick me and tear at my hair softly. When you're happy, I watch your face glow in the darkness.

I love the way he describes his undying passion for me.

Don't ever feel neglected, alone, sad, unloved. You can't say those things because you know that it can't be the truth. I will stand by you.

As a friend, as family, and maybe as your lover.

Tears brim my eyes and fall down my cheeks slowly. I press my hand over my mouth and smile.

forever yours,




i cried

thank you

i love you


come back

i'll run away with you if i have to

bring that body back to daddy

make daddy proud

make him

make him?

you complete me

without you, i cannot exist


i promise to return to

i miss you in my basement

in my arms

in my heart

i need to fuck you

i need to make love to you

i need you to know how i feel

because what i feel cannot be described in words

please come back

please me

please daddy

i am allowing you to torture me

do you know how special you are?

how much you mean to me?

i know, daddy

i'm the only girl who will ever be allowed to try things with you

in life

in bed

anywhere you want me, i will be there

come back.


i will in 72 hours, okay


i love you

  me too

i love you

i love you

i love you

i love you
READ, 12:19AM


hey there loves!
    how are you doing? i'm back again:)

♡hey there loves!        how are you doing? i'm back again:)

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