Drunken suits and broken bones

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It's one last shot man, drink up
You'll be in a good place
In a good place?
What's good if the place I resort to is always the same?
Drawing circles in blood again and again, I have to take this sip
I have to, I need to fill my body with this poison so I can forget this person I am and be myself again.
How did I ever get into this mess?
This was not supposed to go this way,was it?
I never really did plan anything did I?
This place is dark, smells of rain.
Where am I?
Why is the floor so wet?
Was it raining?
Why does it feel bloody?
Who is dead?
Did I kill someone?
Or did I die?

Take a sip from this last glass of red wine, voices in the dark

What's the worst that can happen...

Take a sip, fill up on it.

Drink up.

Take a bite of this meat too, take a bite and take your leave.. From this land, from this world, to your home.

Let me go.

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