Chapter 6

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-USA, 1962-

It had been an extremely long journey, taking over two days (with breaks) to get from Sheffield to the CIA base, and you could see on everyone's faces just how much they wanted to get to a nice, comfortable bed. It was late at night and Erik's turn to drive (he and Charles would swap over every few hours) and Charles and Bonnie sat in the back. Bonnie had drifted off to sleep half an hour ago, and Charles had shifted her so that her head rested on his shoulder. When Erik had raised his eyebrows at him in the rear-view mirror Charles had simply told him "It's for her comfort. The position she was in before guaranteed aches and pains" and left it at that.

Charles himself was on the verge of dozing now, his head drooping slightly just to suddenly start back up as he fought sleep rather comically.

"Stop fighting it, Charles. Just go to sleep already. I'll wake you up when we're back at base." Erik told Charles after 15 minutes of watching the tired telepath in amusement.

"Perhaps a short nap wouldn't be so bad..." Charles finally gave in, wrapping a secure arm around Bonnie's waist (for her security, he told himself), leant his head back and finally succumbed to slumber.

-One hour later, Covert CIA Research Base-

Charles groaned as his right shoulder was shook violently, shaking off all hopes of further sleep.

"Charles, wake up." Erik's voice ordered. "We're there."

"Thank you, Erik." Charles answered, opening his eyes. He stretched slightly, feeling a slight weight on his chest. Looking down, he found Bonnie curled up against him, head on his chest and fist clutching onto some of his blue shirt. He smiled lightly to himself... She looked so peaceful, so untroubled...

Charles uncurled Bonnie's fist and gently dropped her head onto the seat before getting up out of the car. He then proceeded to gather the smaller female up into his arms bridal style, chuckling as she instantly turned towards the warmth of his chest. It was still late at night and slightly chilly, he noticed as goosebumps appeared on Bonnie's forearms that were exposed due to her rolling up the sleeves of her borrowed shirt earlier.

Charles shut the car door behind him with his foot, once again ignoring Erik's smirk.

"I do believe you tried to tell me you didn't fancy her earlier, Charles. Care to try and tell me again?" Erik was mocking him. Charles sighed.

"I didn't want to disturb her... Look at her Erik, she looks so much peaceful than earlier, who could rob her of that?" Charles defended, trying to make it seem more like an act of goodwill than one of sentiment.

"Of course Charles, whatever you say..." Erik's tone didn't match his words, he obviously didn't believe him. Bonnie chose that moment to stir slightly in his arms, attempting to blink away the sleep in her eyes.

"Hmmmm... Wha's goin' on?" She asked sleepily. "Where're we?"

"We're at the base now, Bonnie. You go back to sleep, we'll put you in your designated room for your stay." Charles told her, using a bit of his power to settle the young woman again. To be honest, he rather enjoyed having her in his arms.

"Righ'... Night Charles... Night Erik..." And with a big yawn, Bonnie was off again.

"Goodnight, Bonnie."

"Goodnight, love." Erik and Charles replied, watching as the young mutant happily slipped off to dreamland.

Soon, Erik and Charles had deposited Bonnie into her room and headed off to their own rooms, their beds calling for them.

As Charles drifted off once again, he couldn't help but notice how much emptier his arms felt without Bonnie to fill them.

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