Chapter 4

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-Sheffield Star HQ, Sheffield, England, 1962-

Bonnie stood there, dumbfounded. "You mean... That you two..."

"Are mutants too? Yes." Erik supplied.

"And we could really use your help, love. As a fellow mutant. We think that your abilities could be very useful in preventing a potential war. Would you... Be willing to help us?" Charles asked, an almost begging look in his eye.

"If I help you... What do I get out of it? I mean... I'm obviously not going to be at work for a while and I can't afford to lose it..." Bonnie was almost surprised at her sudden confidence, and Erik laughed shortly.

"We know how your treated here, Bonnie. Why would you put yourself willingly through that and even hope to come back?" Erik inquired, genuinely wondering why she'd let people like Betty walk all over her for a job.

"Because I hope to be a journalist one day, and maybe change people's views about us... People with amazing abilities. We shouldn't have to hide and be ashamed of what we can do."

"Admirable... Coming with us won't my stop you from doing that, love. We could even get you somewhere better, and you could be a journalist instead of just a bullied errand girl."

It was obvious that now Bonnie was seriously considering this... This was her chance... She could be around people like herself and they'd understand her... And she could be what she wanted to be. No hiding, not talking any crap...

"So... What will it be, Bonnie?" Erik asked, holding his hand out to the young woman as a physical representation of her option to go with them. Bonnie in return reached out and slid her dainty fingers onto his palm, his fingers acting on instinct, folding over hers.

"I-I'll do it." She told them, a smile blossoming of Charles' face.

"Fantastic! We'll get going right away... You won't need anything, we have everything you'll need at the base..." Charles trailed off before really noticing her lack of shirt. "Well, nearly everything... Here. This'll do for now." He stated, removing his tweed jacket and passing it to her, Bonnie gladly taking it and putting it on, buttoning the jacket up as far as it would go. It was a bit large on her, the sleeves extending past her fingers and the bottom covering most of her mini skirt.

"Hmmmm... A bit big... I'll give you one of my shirts on the plane, that'll probably be better. We don't have time to stop off anywhere."

"Wait... Did you just say plane?" Bonnie paled... Her flying experience was limited and not exactly brilliant...

Erik stood in the background, smirking. "Yes," he confirmed. "Problem?"

Dirt And RosesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora