Chapter 1

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- Covert CIA Research Base, USA, 1962-

Charles had just gotten back from his (failed) attempt at recruiting James Logan to join his merry band of mutants when he was once again attached to Cerebro in hope of being able to hunt down more people like Erik, Raven and himself. Their numbers were small, and with so few mutants of age and willing to help in the fight against Shaw, Charles was begging to feel desperate. So far he'd been unable to extend his mental reach over the Atlantic, but for some reason felt as though this time would be different. The 24 year old Oxford professor was soon flung into the seemingly never-ending expanse of minds, picking out those who were mutant and whittling down the possibilities from there.

But something felt odd to Charles. There was something different... Something new.

On the very edge if his mental 'sight' he could 'see' someone new, a young woman. Her image was quite hazy and filled with static, like a television set that desperately needs tuning. Charles focused on her, trying to bring more detail to her. From the difficulty he had trying to connect to her he could tell she was definitely far further than he'd ever been able to reach before. After a few minutes of 'tuning' to her thought pattern, Charles finally managed to bring up a clearer picture of this mysterious mutant, and delved deep within a psyche full of warmth and the smell of lavender and vanilla.

-Sheffield, England-

Bonnie was walking up the stairs at work on a(n unusually) sunny Tuesday morning when suddenly the ground was a lot closer to her face.

"Hey, freak! Watch where you're going! Some of us actually have nice clothes we don't want to ruin." A nasally voiced sneered from above. Bonnie's eyes scanned up from the Prada boots to the short scalloped Gucci shift dress to a bright pair of pale green eyes that glared into her own amber orbs.

'It's far too early to deal with this.' Bonnie sighed mentally. It was just her luck that she'd get knocked over by Betty Summers, the woman that hated her existence more than she loved her expensive designer sunglasses.

Getting up slowly, Bonnie attempted to move past Betty without making eye contact in hope to jut escape without any trouble, but was quickly pulled back by perfectly manicured talons yanking harshly on a fistful of her multicoloured locks.

One thing you should know about Betty Summers is that for years she has made Bonnie's life hell. She took great pleasure in humiliating the younger woman and had just loathed the intern/errand girl since day one. Her attacks ranged from harsh words to rumours and beyond... She once even managed to get her hands on a pair of Bonnie's knickers and hang them from the ceiling for all the office to see. It's fair to say that it took Bonnie a while to be able to look anyone in the eye after that.

"And where do you think you're going, freak?" The taller blonde sneered, holding Bonnie so that she was precariously balanced on the top of the long flight of stairs. "There's one thing I've always wanted to know... What the fuck is up with your weird hair? I mean, it can't be dye and it's not a wig... So what is it?" Betty mused, pulling on Bonnie's hair as she spoke.

"I-I was b-born this w-way..." Bonnie stuttered nervously, her voice barely above a whisper.

"W-were you, f-freak?" Betty mocked. "Well, I feel sorry for your poor parents, having to be related to such a weirdo. I would have given you to the Freak Show. Maybe then you'd actually look normal."

Betty's cruel words stung like salt in mental wounds and Bonnie tried to flinch away, like any distance would make the words hurt less.

"Maybe I should just throw you down the stairs, save you from this pathetic life you lead. I mean, you're poor and alone, can't get much more desperate than that."

Bonnie just looked down, knowing that Betty's words were true. All she had was a shitty little flat in the shadiest area of town and a crappy job that payed badly. She had no friends, no family... No! She couldn't think like that! She came too far to just give up now. Drawing up all her courage and strength, Bonnie grabbed Betty's hand and forced her dainty fingers in her into her tight fist, loosening the grip on her hair before twisting her bully's arm behind her back and shoving her away as far as she could... Which wasn't far at all.

"So you finally grew a backbone, you pathetic little bitch. I'm not just going to let this go. I'm going to get you back, and when I'm done you're going to wish you didn't exist." Betty spat, regaining her balance after a couple if seconds of stumbling in surprise. She hadn't expected Bonnie to fight back.

Glaring once more at a very intimidated Bonnie, Betty turned on her heel and strode away, leaving in her wake a fate scent of Chanel Number 5.

Bonnie regretted ever getting up that morning.

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