Nagisa's sick, Jataro takes care of him.

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Masaru and Kotoko were not very quiet, no matter how hard they tried.

It was just a simple fact. there was nothing inherently wrong with that. It just doesn't work wonders when they're trying to sneak out without waking anyone up. And Nagisa was one of the lightest sleepers to exist, sickness or no. Thus, you can imagine his annoyance as they fought over cereal in a whispered argument that rang in his ears like an alarm. he stiffiled a yawn as he woke up, Jataro still curled up in the bed next to him (and around him, that boy hang off things in his sleep like a koala). Nagisa let out a small sad sigh as he realized that Jataro was still wearing his mask. It was a bad thing for him to sleep in, and it was more of a coin flip on whether he would wear it to bed then a certainty one way or another. After everything that happened yesterday, he had forgotten to remind the boy to remove it (he couldn't even do that). Despite this, Jataro was sleeping, and it would be rude to wake him, so Nagisa just wiggled his way free of the boy's grasp and made his way over to the arguing duo.

"What is so important that you couldn't be bothered to wake me up this morning?" Nagisa asked as the two jumped in surprise.

"Nagisa?! When did you wake up? We were sure to be EXTRA quiet!" Masaru yelled, making the blue boy cringe back at the sudden high pitched whine.

"I am awake because you guys are as quiet as Jataro is ugly." he stated (they all shared am understanding look and glanced at the unconscious boy before resuming the argument as if it hadn't happened in the first place)

"We were quiet enough to get out of bed without you noticing." Kotoko pointed out smugly. "We must have been as quiet as a mouse then, riiight?" she sang out the last bit, grinning up at him innocently.

"Well, miracles do happen." He snarked back sarcastically, to the surprise of the others (was that a joke? Did Nagisa make a joke?). He was just a bit too tired and a tad too comfortable around them to filter himself at the moment. "What was your plan anyway? You don't know what medicine to get." He stated, staring at them like they were stupid.

"We were just gonna grab it all!" Masaru claimed. "As the leader, I should make sure that we have it all! that includes medicine!"

"Well, grabbing some medicine is a waste of time. A lot of it is made specifically for adults, and would simply worsen any of our conditions." Nagisa sighed.

"Hwy, we're doing this for you bossy! Beggars can't be choosers, right? Or, they can, but then they'll probably just die because of how pickey they are!" Kotoko pouted, glaring at the pale boy. Nagisa was so hard to deal with sometimes.

"I won't accept any medication unless you get it for the whole group. it would be foolish to limit yourselves such." he reasoned, his throat going dry at the prospect. He was already useless enough at the moment, they didn't have to waste their time for him specifically. That would be foolish.

"...Okay, then what should we do?" Masaru asked, whispering (or, trying too, he wasn't very good) to Nagisa, who replied with a scoff.

"grant me a few minutes and I'll write down a semi-complete list of everything that kids can have...I'll mark the things that would best help my condition, in case any of you catch it from being in an enclosed space with me. " He suggested, finding a pen and a scrap of paper. He wrote out two lists, giving one to Masaru and another to Kotoko while he was distracted for when Masaru lost his.

"Cool! Thanks a lot Nagisa, now I can save you from this illness!" Masaru enthused loudly, eyes shining with heroic fantasies as Nagisa went as red as a cardinal.

"It-It's not that big a deal...Just quest down, you'll wake Jataro up." Nagisa muttered, trying to fight his blush as Kotoko squealed, pinching his cheeks.

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