Nagisa gets sick, everyone cares for him

Start from the beginning

Masaru's eyes widened in understanding. Oh! Nagisa was...Sick? But he was never sick! As long as he had known him, Nagisa had never gotten sick (he threw up, sometimes, after nightmares or after working and worrying himself too much. it was fine though, because Jataro would get him a snack and some water and Kotoko would play with his hair calmly to ground him in the present and Masaru would remind him how much they needed him, even if he wasn't the leader). before, he was always the one who helped them learn how to take care of whoever fell ill or injured. He was really smart, it was super cool! And so, when he realized that Nagisa was sick, he got really worried. If nothing had ever gotten him sick before, then this had to be really bad! As his eyes widened at the idea, he scattered back to Jataro and Kotoko and shook them awake, relived that neither of them seemed warm to the touch. If they were taking care of Nagisa, they would need all the help they could get. Kotoko punched him when she woke up and looked utterly terrified and was shaking and Masaru felt guilt burn in his stomach for a moment because how could he forget, what kind of leader was he if he forgot about her triggers? So, when he saw the blow coming, for the first time in years, he let it hit because he messed up and he deserved whatever she had to dish out to calm down. It was only fair.


But, before she tried to hit him again, she came to her senses and looked around, taking a deep breath. She noticed him (how he was tensed, waiting to be hit and shaking a ittle at the thought, though he wouldn't admit it if se asked) and frowned, sticking her tongue out at him. "Well, I guess that's one way to wake up." She hissed bitterly, evening her breathes and pretending she wasn't shaking. Good thing she was an Actress (The best, though that didn't matter anymore really). "What was oh so important that you woke us up so early?" She asked with a yawn, patting Jataro's head affectionately and ruffling his hair as he woke up. She gave a small frown as he put on that stupid mask that he found laying in the street. He still wore that ugly thing over the face all three of them agreed was ardorbs when they first saw (well, she said adorbs, Nagisa blushed and muttered it was aesthetically pleasing, and Masaru Just smiled), yet Jataro himself still actively disagreed and hiding his face out of the fear that seeing it would kill them all.

They really needed to work on that.

Anyway, all three of them were awake, and Masaru noticed she was letting him off easy and shook his head to clear it of whatever angry rant he was going on. There were more important things to do.

"Guys! Nagisa's sick!" He exclaimed, pointing at the only one still asleep for emphasis. Kotoko looked over with a strange pout, looking almost guilty, while Jataro tilted his head, taking a moment to process the statement.


"Oooh! But, Nagisa hasn't done that before!" Jararo laughed (an twisted and forced thing that was nothing like the bell-like chime of his actual laugh, a distinction only recently made), continuing with an excitement they might have believed a month ago (though it didn't matter if they didn't believe it-the problem was that he had fooled himself) "he must reaaaallly hate me now! I'm the priest, but I can't even keep away his sickness! Prrreeety disgusting, right?" He asked, turning to the other two with something that sounded like desperation. Lately, they'd been telling him how much they hate him less and less, and it was really worrying him (if he wasn't hated then what was he who was he who could he be what did he matter why bother keeping him around if not to be hated?).

They both gave weird smiles (he would say they looked kinda sad, but there was no reason for them to be) at the enthusiasm (that sounded less and less genuine each time and how did they not notice before? What took them so long? Why did they feed this horrible mindset?) and shook their heads at the claim, masaru yelling at him.

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