One: Jimin

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"JEON JUNGKOOK." The orange haired boy screamed once he sighted Jungkook walking alone towards their classroom. He ran towards him and clinged immediately to the boy and held his arm.

"Let go of me, Jimin." The younger scoffed as he pulled his arm away and ran to their classroom, leaving Jimin alone as the smaller boy shrugged.

Jungkook made his way to his seat and quickly sat down and tossed out his iPhone X from his pocket and pretended to be reading something important on it, just so Jimin would not annoy him more.

He heard the door open and close, and he knew better than to look to see who it was. He moved his phone closer to his face and his brows furrowed as he pulled of a very inconvincible thinking face.

"Oh Jungkookie~." He heard the older giggle and he felt hands ruffling through his hair.

He growled lowly and side eyed Jimin as he continue to glue his face on his phone. He still kept his gaze on the gadget even though he knew Jimin already went to his seat, the farthest in the back.

Soon, students started to pour and the room was filled with murmurs, whispers and gossiping.

"Pssst." Jungkook heard the boy next to him. He turned around and glared playfully at the smirking boy beside.

"What is it Taehyung?" Jungkook asked. He then saw him holding out a folded paper to his direction. He reached for it and sat back properly.

P.JM. Those letters were scribbled on the outside as Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed while he unfolded the paper.

"Did I already told you that you look hot af?." He read in his own mind. He wrote something down and crumpled the paper as he tossed it backwards, landing on the orange haired boy.

Jimin uncrumpled the paper and read Jungkook's reply. "F**k you, fag." He read quietly and flashed a sad smile of disappointment but immediately replaced it with a fake happy one.

He took out another paper from his notebook and wrote down "U wish" in it before tossing it to their direction, missing Jungkook again as it landed on Taehyung.

The box-smiled boy already knew who it was from and to whom it was intended, so he passed the paper to his seatmate again as Jimin anticipated for a response and continued drawing a wilted rose with its petals falling off of it.

He flinched when he heard a chair fall and as he looked up, he met eyes with a glaring Jeon Jungkook. Deep inside, he was scared but he had to continue this brave façade as he smirked playfully at the pissed off boy. He heard the boy scoff and made his way out of the room and made sure to shut the door loudly. After that, Jimin could feel all eyes on him and he began shaking as he tried to ignore the stares and glares by continuing his drawing.

Footsteps approached his direction and he visibly gulped, still looking down while drawing.

"That's the second time this week, Park Jimin." He heard Taehyung's words laced with venom.

He was afraid, but he didn't want people to see his weakness. He faced Taehyung wearing a wide grin. "And? What's your point?"

"Tsk. Just leave him alone, Jimin. We know what you're up to." Taehyung retorted and went out of the room to follow Jungkook.

Love makes you do stupid things. This is what's happening to Park Jimin.

He loved Jungkook for a long time now and he wasn't afraid of showing it. He would always stick to him, even though Jungkook wanted none of it. He would always say his real feelings, even though Jungkook's replies would always hurt him inside.

He had no friends, no one to share all his emotions. For a 20 year old guy, he seems to be old to have Jungkook in his class, an 18 year old, and some of his classmates are among that age too. But Jimin went through this for a good reason.

Jimin was smart and hardworking, but he had to drop out on his class to work for himself since his parents couldn't support him. Once he had enough savings, he returned to pursue his education and somehow make it in the industry as a well-known interior designer.

He had sacrificed a lot to be in this position now, and although he was happy for Jungkook to be top in class and him coming in second, he would still feel bad and worthless for not being able to surpass the boy. And what made it worse was that he fell in love with him, at first sight.

He didn't know who Jungkook was at that time, but what he knew was that he wanted that boy to love him back. And since he couldn't keep his mouth shut, everyone on campus knew about his feelings for Jungkook since everyday for the past two months, he would cling beside the younger and tell him sweet things and reasons why Jimin fall for him. And for the past two months, Jimin would always come up with different things.

What hurt him was the fact that he knew him and Jungkook would never be on the same page, but this wouldn't stop him from loving the boy and showing this truth to the whole world. He may act tough and strong outside, but he was a cute, kind and fragile boy internally. He just build this mask for himself because of his past.

He heard the door open and saw the teacher coming in, trailing behind her was Taehyung and Jungkook. He met eyes with them and saw the fiery emotion behind it, but he has to pretend to not notice it and continue with his works.

"So class, listen up. I have an important announcement to make." Ms. Yoo exclaimed which made murmurs die down and the class payed attention to her.

"Later this month would be our first exam for the year, and written tests are already outdated so what I planned was that you will think of a design for this room." She showed the picture of an empty room in her laptop. Some students were confused and some were excited.

"But of course, we wouldn't really be placing furnitures and whatnots in this room, you would just make a plan on what design to bring to this room. The real designing would be for the final exam. So before you could make all your plans, I have invited a senior from this school to teach you a thing or two."

The room was filled with 'woahs', 'wows' and other cheers of excitement as the teacher smiled at the student's enthusiasm.

"Please welcome your senior, Mr. Min Yoongi. Come in."


First Chapter, done. Hope you enjoy it so far.

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