.I:IRelatively Large AN(author note)I:I.

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Srry for the long wait. (and the video 0-0) I have to study for finals, which suck 0-0. I am trying to update all my stories but that's not really going to well, as you can see. Jhopefully I will have the next part of the chapter done sometime next week. (see wut I did there ;) ) Hope ur enjoying this trash so far. Surprisingly, it got up to like 300 reads. (can I get that many votes, lol) That's it for now (at least I think so) luv u all, bai! 

Comment 030 if ur part of the weird choild (child)clan! 

030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 I have an army!

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