Task Three - The Hostage - Females

Start from the beginning

“My darling, I always knew you would do great things. You were always the one who seemed a bit odd when you were a kid, but you were my odd child, and I loved you for it. And now, darling, I need you to look at me and understand this.” Her eyes were a beautiful blue, light and faded yet they still held a pretty tone. “Your sister and I, I want you to know we both know the consequences of what could happen now that you are leaving. But I want you to know, we accept it and we love you no matter what happens. You were chosen out of many, Amelia. You are always going to be my baby, and you will always be special. You are following what you think is right, and we support you every step of the way. No matter what.”

No matter what. Those were the last words both my sister and mother wished me as I left Thirteen. “No matter what, you go kick some butt,” said Harper.

“No matter what.” Those three words linger with me, I can still hear my mother’s voice as she hugged me and waved me off.

And as I sit here watching the fires burn that are fueled by our comrades and our enemies, I can’t help but continue to whisper to myself those three words that mean so much. I was never a sentimental person, never one for crying over the death of someone whose time was destined to end. I was never one to be upset over the big things. I was always moving forward. But now I realize- perhaps moving forward all the time isn’t the best thing to do.

I feel the possibility of my family being tortured in my soul, the pain of the fifty percent chance they are hostages for once overriding the other fifty. I always told others to contain and control how they felt but for once I understand the pain they must’ve felt.

Deep in my mind, I’m sure the Capitol was bluffing- they want us unhinged, upset, not our best, so that they can control us. But my heart overrides it and as I stare out the window, I whisper the words over and over again, until the words feel like gibberish and I can feel my body become tired. It is only when I feel a hand on my shoulder do I turn away from staring at the walls of fire.

“Are you okay? You should really rest.” It’s Peter, shadows under his eyes are evident too.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I’ll get some rest soon. How about you?” I turned to face the window again, staring out at the light that was supposed to represent warmth but now only loss.

“I’m fine, Vibbius and I are going over some strategies. But I mean how are you with the Capitol announcement? Vibbius and I don’t think it’s true, however if it is, I want to know everyone’s okay with it.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be fine no matter what.”

DISTRICT SEVEN - Canary Thicket

The message appeared in the sky shortly after midnight. Immediately everyone decided that the best thing to do would be to lose control and panic, just like the Capitol wanted. Now that things had gotten personal, they regretted signing up for this. I didn't. There are sacrifices you have to make to get what you want, no matter who is killed along the way.

My family never wanted me to sign up for this. I was always the precious little baby, that was kept sheltered away from harm as my parents refused to let me see the true evils of this world. My mother didn't want me playing with the kids who got in trouble at school, but I did anyway. I'd tag along and follow them to the fence at the end of the district, but I was too cowardly to go through. I suppose I got some of my cowardice from my parents, they were terrified that my brothers and I were going to commit some terrible sin and get slaughtered by the Peacekeepers because of it.

I always took my family for granted, because they were always there. Every day when I got home from school, my mother would be in the kitchen and my brothers would be in the garden. My father would arrive home from work soon after that and we'd all sit down at the table together and talk about our day. It was the perfect family, but I never realised what I had because it had never been taken away from me.

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