District Ten - Female - Aysha Muerte (Doctorwhovian00)

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Name: Aysha Muerte

Age: 21

District: 10

Appearance: Aysha is short, only about 5’1, with a slender yet muscular build from working on a farm all her life (and trying to outdo her brother in games). She has dark skin and chocolate brown eyes that shimmer in the sun, and a scar that runs along her cheek. Her hair is kept short, although her fringe is almost always covering her eyes. She would pass as a guy if you took one look at her, but if you looked closely you could tell from her small curves that she is in fact a girl.

Personality: She is stubborn, and will make her opinion heard; yet she is still sweet and caring. She will act a bit rough around you when she gets to know a person better, playfully punching them way to hard. She doesn’t really bother to read the mood, and will continue smiling at you. Bluntness is also in her nature making her come off as rude at points. No matter what, though, Aysha will never betray you.

History: Like plenty of people in District 10, she was a farmer’s daughter. She grew up with her twin brother, who she was very close to, and they use to play together in their younger years, climbing anywhere they could, whether it is trees or buildings. They would also do other tricks such as seeing how many times they could flip in the air, can they reach the next branch, if they could jump to the next building, and if they could jump from the very top and land on the ground without getting injured (extra points if they could put flips in there). Naturally, they were quite the troublemakers because of this and both have various scars on their body. When she was 19, however, someone who she was very close to died, although she hates talking about this.

Weapon: Aysha has always preferred multiple small, concealable weapons over things such as swords, such as knives. Bigger weapons are more awkward to run and climb with and you’re opponent doesn’t know what you’re going to attack with.

Token: A golden ring given to her by the person very close to her.

Other: She doesn’t kill the innocent.

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