Capitol - Male - Vibbius Cretore (HeadOnJackwards)

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Name: Vibbius Lynx Cretore

Age: Forty-two

District: Capitol

Appearance: Although Vibbius left the capitol quite some time ago, its mark is still evident in his appearance. He stands at exactly 6 foot with a reasonably muscular build. The man is handsome with stern, tight and intense features. His complexion is clear and rather youthful for his age, no doubt down to the surgery of the Capitol, yet in places around his eyes and mouth, light crinkles have began to patter about. He has rich, dark chestnut coloured hair though it is lined with the occasional streak of silver. It is short and always slicked back into an extreme rightwards spike (Though no longer living in the capitol, one must still take pride over their appearance). Tidy, close-shaved stubble trims his mouth and sharp jaw. His eyes themselves are of a faded purple; the colour enhancements once place upon them worn off under the illness of their surroundings. Due to this, his naturally blue eyes are clouded, faded and can often be said to change from pink to purple in a slow, unnoticeable transition. 

Personality: Despite the recent years, the ex-Capitol citizen is a rather jolly and flippant character. He tends to see the best in everyone and can produce positives to almost every situation. Although humorous of nature, this doesn’t overpower Vibbius’ passionate side. He’s incredibly stubborn and, in the few chances that he is angered, he can be unforgiving and most cruel. This being said, he is a man of the mind and you’d never catch him to be impulsive or reckless. He can think of ingenious strategies and plans upon the spot, though they are long-term invested causing casualties along the way. This comes only from his bloody years as Gamemaker. Vibbius has clear priorities and morals, at least for a Capitol-born. He sticks to his duty with ferocious loyalty and perseverance. A man of honour to the routes that most would label as foolish and even suicidal in times such as these. He keeps to his words, his promises, and once a plan or thought has flourished in his mind, his intentions are devoted toward executing it, and perfectly too.

History: Vibbius Cretore was born in a most prestigious part of the capitol. He has spent his entire life aiming to achieve one thing: To be Head Gamemaker. At the time, the creative teenager was willing to do anything he could to achieve that position and quite honestly, nothing too serious got in his way. By the age of twenty-five, the man was drinking with the Legends and dining with the President himself. By thirty he was assistant Gamemaker and by thirty-three, he was crowned as Head Gamemaker. However, no one ever told him that the higher you are, the further you fall. When an illness struck and false scandals lurked about from the very depths of the Capitol, Vibbius, by his peers, was advised to stand down as Gamemaker. The stubborn fool that he is, however, did not and the situation worsened. Fearing for his life, Vibbius fled the capitol, leaving behind his children and friends. In exile he lived in seclusion, constantly travelling about various Districts. It is this that opened his eyes to poverty, crime, death and issues far worse than off colours and drab clothing. Soon, he found himself within the depths of District Thirteen. Though at first a prisoner, his talents and knowledge were eventually put to use.

Weapon: Though he carries the typical Rifle-blaster most of the Squadron are equipped with, he also carries a complexity of various developed knife devices. Some are projectile - throwing knives. Others have poisoned tips and have been fitted into his boots. Yet the main device is the hidden blade. Hidden up his right sleeve and built into his armour, It is controlled by a chip in his arm. All he have to do is make various patterns with his finger upon his skin for various different commands. The commands both release the blade and sheath it. Vibbius enjoys this and feels safe with it, often claiming its use in ‘socially awkward’ situations or ‘political difficulties’.

Token: Three fragments of a glass comb his son, Lynx, took when he went into the arena. Through his trusting contacts in the Capitol, he was able to get his hands upon the broken remnants.

Other: He never forgets a thing… he will hold a grudge right until the moment his last breath escapes his mouth.

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