Chapter 13: The Professors

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Everything felt like a dream for me after the arrival on Hogsmeade. We went across the big lake around Hogwarts in some boats, me ending up paired with Neville, Harry and Ron.

Once arriving at Hogwarts we were separated and met professor McGonagall, who was the Head of House of Gryffindor. You had four Houses, based on your personality. My interests lay in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, the one known for bravery while the other was notorious for it's wit.

It was there that Neville found his toad and that Draco began bullying Harry. I decided not to mingle as I didn't want to be faced with Malfoy again. Magnus was clear: stay out of his way. The first time I couldn't prevent it, but now I could so I did as I was told.

Instead of listening to the bickering of Harry, Draco and also Ron I talked with another child, a girl. She told me her name was Pansy and we began talking about the castle and it's mysteries. 

McGonagall told us to form a line before we would enter. I was ready to stand in the line but she held me back. She took me a little aside, out of hearing ranche of the others. "You are Hermione Granger, right?"

I nod, blushing a little. She smiles. "After the Sorting Ceremony we have a dinner, but after the dinner I want you to go to the Headmaster's office. There you will wait until he comes back. He has some things to discuss with you, if you don't mind."

I nod once again. "Well, that's everything. If you could please take a place in the line now," she says, waving over to the line.

After walking inside and wondering about all the wonders of this castle we were being Sorted by an old witches hat, called the Sorting Hat. Soon it was my turn.

I sit down a little nervously and look around the hall. At the table with the red and gold uniformed children I catch sight of more of the Weasleys. Fred and George catch my sight and grin. Somehow it made me feel more relaxed.

"Look what we have here," a voice whispers. Who.. was that? Wait, is it.. the Sorting Hat? "May I say that you are quicker at realizing who I am than many of your age? You are definately witty.."

Uhmm.. thank you? "No problem. Let's see.. where to sort a warlock? You have potential, Miss Granger, a lot of potential. It would be sad if that wasn't used in your years here.. But now.. where to put you? You seem perfect for Ravenclaw, as you have a great intelligence, but Gryffindor seems good for you as well. I think I've made a decision.. GRYFFINDOR!"

I look around and see the house with the red and gold jump up and clapping. I look over my shoulder for a moment to see Dumbledore smiling at me. 

I hop off the stool and sit down at the Gryffindor table. The twins and the older Weasley begin conversing when their brother, Neville and even Harry Potter joins our house. Draco and Pansy joined Slytherin and Draco glares at our table.

Dinner was ending pretty quickly and the students were ordered to go to their dorms. I stand up but pull Percy Weasley, one of the Prefects, on his sleeve. "Sorry to bother you Percy, but do you know where the Headmaster's office is?"

"Why would you need to see Headmaster Dumbledore," he asks, his red eyebrows pulled into a frown. I blush, trying to find a good excuse when professor McGonagall appears on our side. "Miss Granger, Mr Weasley.. what are you still doing here," she asks with her strict tone.

"Miss Granger here just asked me for the ways towards Headmaster Dumbledore's office. I was just going to ask why.." "I will handle this, Mr Weasley. If you please, attend the other first years please," she says. Percy nods and turns around on his heels, walking away.

"You were going to professor Dumbledore," she asks. I nod. "Come on Miss Granger, let me escort you." She signs me to follow her and we walk through the magical corridors of the castle. A few minutes later professor McGonagall signs me to stop.

We stand before a large statue of a phoenix. It seemed like some acessory, but I have a feeling it is much more to this castle.. "Lemon drops," the professor says. The golden phoenix spins very slowly, revealing a spiral staircase.

Professor McGonagall smiles and signs me to go first. I take timid steps up towards the office of Dumbledore. The professor knocks on the large doors and we wait for a little. "Come in," the soft voice of professor Dumbledore says.

McGonagall opens the door and we walk inside. Dumbledore smiles at me and signs me to sit down on one of the chairs around his desk. I look around and catch sight of more professors, all standing or sitting somewhere, staring at us. Were those my.. teachers?

"Welcome Miss Granger. I'd like to introduce you to the staff here.. especially your personal coach." "Personal coach? I think my housemates forgot to mention something," I murmur.

He smiles, his blue eyes twinkling in the light of the lamp above our heads. "They didn't know I was planning this. To be honest, I just decided this this morning." I hum as response and let the Headmaster introduce me.

"These are professor Flitwick of Charms, professor Sprout of Herbology, professor Quirrell for Defence Against the Dark Arts, professor Snape for Potions, professor Binns for History of Magic and professor McGonagall for Transfiguration. Next to that you have other teachers that you don't have yet, the nurse Madam Pomfrey, the librarian Madam Pince, the janitor Mr Filch and Hagrid, the Gatekeeper. I suppose you have met him during your trip to the castle."

I blush under the gazes of the professors. "Well.. it's nice to meet you. May I ask, professor, who is my 'personal coach'?" "I knew you would be curious about that. Professor Snape here was so kind to volunteer on being the one to train you in the difference between warlock magic and wizarding magic and how to conceal the difference. He will also train you on how you can use your warlock magic."

"I do not accept laziness during my class, Miss Granger," the tall, dark haired professor says. I nod.

"Of course professor.."

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