Chapter 8: The Wand

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Magnus and I said goodbye to Catarina, Malcolm and Ragnor and we promised to see each other again in the evening, when we would eat dinner together. Ragnor said that he would try to be on time, but couldn't promise anything.

We walk through Diagon Alley in search for the wandmaker's shop, but we couldn't find it. Magnus still says that we weren't lost, but I think he's in denial.

"Just say it Magnus, we don't know where Ollivander's shop is," I say to him as he once again looks around for the shop of the wandmaker.

"I am the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Hermione, of course I know where we need to be," he says, sounding a little bit hysterical. I scoff. "Oh really? Then why are we walking in circles for 25 minutes by now then?"

"Just coincidence," he replies. I roll my eyes and look around for anyone that could possibly help us. I see a family. The mother just scolds two twin brothers for, if I heard it right, 'transfiguring their brothers hair to yellow'. 

The mother wears a dress and her red curls bounce with every shrill yell at her sons. Next to her stands a tall teenager with the same red hair and glasses. Probably another son. Two other kids walk up to them, a boy of my age and a girl a little younger than him. They all have that red hair.

"Why don't we ask them where we have to be," I ask Magnus, nodding my head towards the family. He shrugs and signs me that it's alright. With small steps I walk towards the family.

"Sorry to bother you, but could you help me," I ask. The woman falls silent in the middle of a new rant against the twins and turns around. Her lips lift up in a smile.

"Oh hello dearie, what can I help you with?" "Well, my.. father and I are looking for Mr Ollivander, the wandmaker, but we can't find him. Do you know the way towards his shop, perhaps," I ask.

"Ollivander's? Oh, I know the way. Percy, can you watch over your brothers and sister maybe while I point this lady the way?" "Of course mother," the tallest boy, apparently Percy, replies.

The woman takes my arm and walks away with me. "Where is your father?" "Oh, he stands over there," I say, pointing at Magnus. He was still looking around when we join him. Magnus finally notices us when we stand right before him.

"Hi Hermione, I see you got ourselves a guide," he asks, shaking his hand with the woman. "Magnus Bane, nice to meet you."

The woman flushes bright red and smiles. "My name is Molly Weasley, nice to meet you too. You look quite.. hum hum.. young to be a father," she says. Magnus frowns at me and I shrug with a 'I didn't know something better'-way.

"Well, the mistakes of a young man," he says. I giggle quietly behind my hand. "Well, can you show us the way to the shop of Ollivander, Mrs Weasley?" "Of course, follow me!"

While Mrs Weasley shows us the way we get to talk. "Who were those boys and girl with you," I ask her. "They? Oh, those are my children. Well, some of them. My oldest son, Bill, is working and my second oldest son Charlie studies dragons in Romania."

"Dragons hmm," Magnus asks. I grasp him by the arm while Mrs Weasley doesn't listen. "Whatever you are planning right now, set it out of your mind before Catarina flips," I whisper. He rolls his eyes.

"You are way too much around Catarina. Live life a little, especially because you have all eternity," he replies softly. We begin to talk again with Mrs Weasley.

She has 7 children: Bill, Charlie, Percy(that tall one with the glasses), Fred and George(the twins), Ron(the one of my age) and Ginny(the only girl) and she is married to a man called Arthur. Apparently they were also purebloods, but not like the stuck-up kind that I met in the shop of Madam Malkin's.

Once we reach the shop the woman says goodbye. I have a gutfeeling that I will see her soon again..

Magnus pushes the door to the wandmaker open and a soft bell rings. Shelves are filled with rectangular boxes in which I guess are wands. A man appears from behind the shop.

He is quite tall with messy silver hair. He has wrinkles of anility on his face but he seems quite fit and smiles a lot, lightening his face up. "Good afternoon, how can I help you?" 

"Well, this young lady here is going to Hogwarts this year and needs a wand," Magnus answers for me. Mr Ollivander, or I suppose he is Mr Ollivander, looks at me and frowns. A professional look comes over him.

"Hmm.. interesting. Come closer child, I will measure you," he says. I frown. Measuring, he has to measure me for a wand? I look at Magnus with doubt, but he shrugs.

Mr Ollivander measures my arm, the length of neck to shoulders, everything. He mumbles and walks around. "I think I've got just the right wand for you, Miss," he says, handing me a wand.

It has a light wooden colour and Mr Ollivander says: "Ten 3/4 inches, made of vine wood with the core being dragon heartstring. A wand with much potention. Just like you, Miss."

I hold the wand in my hand. It felt just.. right. I look with hesitation at Magnus and Mr Ollivander. The last groans out. "Give it a wave, come on!" I quickly swish the wand through the air.

Golden sparks light up from the tip and lights the whole room. A very powerful rush of adrenaline runs through my veins. My hands feel like they are on fire and I drop the wand, screaming in pain.

The golden sparks came from my hands now and while I try to wave them away, I set the wood of Mr Ollivander's desk on fire. I gasp and scream out. Agony was filling me.

What was happening?

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