Chapter 9: The Lose of Control

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Magnus swirls his hands in the air, taking in all the energy around us and using his power on me. He tries to surpress the bursting of all this power coming from me.

Once the sparks and smoke dies down he runs up to me, engulfing me in his arms. I bury my head in his chest, sobbing loudly. The echo of pain in my body makes me feel sore. My head was throbbing with an aching, dull pain.

"Shh, everything's over.. you are safe.. calm down," Magnus whispers soothingly, rubbing with flat hand circles on my back. I hear Mr Ollivander murmuring a spell, probably to extinguish the little fire on his desk.

I look up from Magnus' chest at the wandmaker, who looks back. His mouth falls open and he takes a deep breath. His eyes turn from me to Magnus and he scoffs, crossing his arms before his chest.

"You could have warned me that we were dealing with an unexperienced warlock, Mr Bane." "Wait, how do you know," I ask him.

"Your eyes, Miss. As if Hell was reflected in them. Your father or mother must be a powerful demon," Mr Ollivander says, muttering his last sentence as if he was speaking to himself rather to them.

"I think we should go," Magnus says. He pays for the wand, excuses us once again for the trouble and leaves. He sighs. "It's not that good that people know of your heritage already, Hermione." 

"Why not? Because they will act like the globins in Gringotts," I ask him. He nods. "And worse. You have to be very careful Hermione. There are a lot of pureblood-activists out here. They want all Muggle-borns gone and despise warlocks for having demonic blood. These last centuries their awareness of warlocks is much less. They practically believe they're gone as they haven't seen one for over 3 centuries."

"But they are not? I mean.. we are here, aren't we?" "Indeed we aren't, that's why you need to be careful. Wizards and witches don't want any warlocks to mess up their little pretty world of magic. They say we are evil as we have demonic blood, but we aren't. Not that they would listen to us.. If they find out who you are Hermione, you can end up in Azkaban and receiving the Dementor's Kiss faster than you can say 'pentagram'."

"What is Azkaban, and what's the Dementor's Kiss," I ask him. "Azkaban is a prisoner island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Dementors are its guards. Once a Dementor gives you 'the Kiss', they suck your soul out. It's already bad for wizards, imagine for us: soulless until the world once ends."

I shiver at the thought. Magnus notices my fear and swings his arm around my shoulder. "First, they would have to get through me, Ragnor, Malcolm and Catarina before they would get to you. Don't worry." "I will try," I mumble. He smiles and hugs me a little tighter.

"Oh, before I forget," Magnus says. He stops us and turns me by holding my shoulders so we stand opposite each other. He rolls his wrist and a little bit of blue smoke appears in his hand palm. He sends it in my way and I want to shield myself, but he keeps my hands down with his free hand.

The impact didn't hurt, but I was still a little dazed by why he did that. I frown at him and he smiles, pointing to his eyes. "Your eyes were still that reddish brown that comes when you use your magic."

"So I will always look like that when I use magic," I ask him. He shakes his head. "Only if you use your magic through your body, like what I did with my hands. If you use your wand you channel your magic through the wood and then your eyes won't change. You understand?"

"Got it," I reply, smiling slightly. He smiles back. "Come on, let's go home." He grabs my hand and swirls his hand again. This time a Portal appears. We step through and enter the living room of our apartment.

"May I go to my room," I ask, eager to look into my new schoolbooks. He nods. "Sure, but try to use your magic through your wand before going to Hogwarts. You need to learn how to channel your magic through the wood." "Okay, I will try," I mumble.

I walk from the living room straight into the hallway with the bedrooms and bathrooms. I open the door on the end of the hallway to my room. It was big and for some reason, I have a Queen sized bed. You won't hear me complaining as that bed is heavenly.

I grasp one of the books we bought today. It was called 'Hogwarts, a History' and explained all about the castle I would partly live in for 7 years from now. Seven years.. it seems so less when Magnus talks. For me it is very much, but for my new housemates it seems like nothing. 

I was so.. afraid, of what would happen in the future.

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