Chapter 2 : The Accident

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"W-w-what," mummy stutters, her eyes widened with shock. I was shivering in my daddy's arms, tugging onto his sleeve. He was too shocked to notice me.

"Your daughter Hermione is a warlock. That's partly why I'm here.." "Who says we believe you? You're talking rubbish. First about my daughter being abnormal, then my wife and now some weird things with my daughter again?"

Mr Dumbledore seemed to lose his patience. "Mr Granger, all I try to do is protect your family from any danger that comes with having an undertrained warlock inside your home. What will you do when she stops aging, mm? Or when she starts showing her powers?"

"You are acting ridiculous! My daughter isn't a warlock so she will not start showing 'her powers'," daddy snaps, holding me tightly in his arms.

"I am sorry Mr Granger, but she will. Maybe you will believe me if I show you a little piece of my kind of magic." "A-are you a warlock then," mummy asks.

Dad scolds her. "I hope you don't believe any of this nonsense Lorie, it is complete rubbish!"

Mr Dumbledore smiles and reaches with his hand into his sleeve. He retrieves a wooden stick and whips it around. Purple sparks leave the tip of the wooden stick and he levitates the television.

I yelp, snuggling closer to my parents. They stare in fear and disbelief as well. "What is.. what are..," daddy stutters.

"Now you see I don't lie. I want to agree on some facts.." "What 'facts'," dad snarls. Mr Dumbledore smiles.

"Miss Granger has to leave your home to be raised by warlocks."

My parents immediately disagree, yelling their disapproval towards him while he didn't even pay attention to them. He seemed to study my face and body rather than my parents yelling at him. It is as if he's searching for something..

"Listen, Mr and Mrs Granger, letting her leave would be better for her and for you. Who knows what would happen if she stays here, untrained and dangerous for everyone surrounding her. It would be better for her to have teachers, people who have been through this situation before."

"Who are these people you want to place her with," mummy asks. I glance at her: did she really think about giving me away?

"Three males, one female. Their names are Catarina Loss, Malcolm Fade, Ragnor Fell and Magnus Bane. Each has lived quite some time already and they are very experienced. It will be better for Miss Granger to stay with them, Mrs Granger."

It seemed like Mr Dumbledore focused on my mummy while talking. Maybe because she seems to think about it?

"Mummy.. daddy.. I don't want to go," I whisper. Daddy strokes my hair. "You won't have to go, darling, I will not let you."

"Then it's your own stupid decision. I will give you this," Mr Dumbledore says, placing a shell in the form of a horn on the coffee table," to contact me if you change your mind. Goodevening." "We can not say the same to you. Now leave, you're not welcome here any longer," dad snarls.

Mr Dumbledore walks away and glances at me one time again before leaving completely. "You will change your mind, Hermione." "How do you know I will," I mumble, apparently still hard enough for him to hear.

"Because I know you don't want your family to be in danger any more then necessary." And with that the strange man leaves.

One week later..

I swing my baby yellow schoolbag over my back while running onto the school's front. Mummy stands there, waiting for me with crossed arms and a worried face.

I frown my eyebrows in confusion. What is mummy doing here? I thought I was going to have a playdate with Tommy from my class? I told her..

When mum sees me she signs me over. I hesitantly walk over to her, standing by the school gates. "What's going on mummy?"

"You're not going to Tommy's house today darling," she whispers, completely distressed. "Why not?" "Darling.. your daddy is in the hospital."

My brown eyes widen: I was scared. "What is wrong with daddy then?" "He was in an accident with his car when he came back from his congress. I will take you to him now, so say goodbye to Tommy and say sorry for not being able to play with him today."

I did what mummy told me and she drives us towards the hospital. I never come here as nobody really gets sick by us. We were quite a healthy family.

Mum asks the nurse where dad lays and the nurse signs us over to a room at the end of the hall. When we walk inside, I gasp.

Daddy was hurt, badly hurt. He had bruises all over his body that seem to hurt so much and his left leg and his right arm were in plaster. He sees us and smiles.

"Hey honey, how was school?" "F-fine.. how are you daddy?" Daddy looks scared, fearful looking around.

"Don't call me daddy anymore, alright honey?" "B-but why?" "Yes John, why are you acting so strange," mum asks, placing her hands on my shoulders as we both stand and dad's bed side. Dad stares with pure fright in his eyes at us.

"Mr Dumbledore was right, I'm not her real father.. and her real father is jealous. Really jealous." "Jealous of what," mummy asks, also very frightened.

"Jealous of her loving me as her father instead of him. He is destructive, Lorie. I.. I am afraid to say it, but we can not put ourselves in danger any longer. Hermione, darling, it will be better for you and us if you accept Mr Dumbledore's proposal," he says, looking into my eyes while holding my hand.

"A-alright dadd-father.."

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