"Yeah, want to come?" he asked then glanced at the bag in my hand. "Well, it seems you need to take that home."

"Oh uh well I could come afterward, yeah. I don't have anything else to do today really." I fumbled with my words a bit as I played with the bag and Farley seemed to be thinking then looked down at Pepper.

"Think you can wait for a little while longer before getting that human food you love so much Pep?" he asked and Pepper tipped in response with his tongue out at his tail wagged. "Sounds like a yes to me, what do you think?" he looked me now, his eyes meeting mine making me gulp as heat rose to my cheeks.

"Yea-Yeah sounds good," I said feeling a smile come to my face and he shot me a smile back.

We walked to my house after that. I wrapped up the gifts quickly and stuck them in my closet. I checked on dad to see he was still sleeping it seemed. It made me a bit worried so I checked his temperature and breathing. He seemed fine and I realized his laptop was still open but off. He must have been working late or real early. I smiled and wrote him a note telling him I would be back also where I was going. After all that Farley led his dog and me to the diner. Once we got there Farley opened the door and held it open for me making my face hot.

"Than-Thank you," I said walking in as Pepper yipped at me wagging his tail making me smile.

The two followed right behind me. I took some steps back when I noticed a lot of people were in this diner. The size of the diner wasn't that big. I looked around for a table but it was a bit hard since it was kind of crowded. All I saw were bodies and the top or back of people's heads. I felt a tug before being pulled forward, past lots of bodies until finally, an empty table was at sight. It was all the way in the back by a jukebox. Farley let go of my sleeve and slid in a seat as Pepper tried climbing up on his lap. I took a look around before sliding in a seat across from him.

"It's nice here," I said smiling at Farley as he passed me a menu.

"Yeah, it is." he shot me a grin and I looked at the menu to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks.

" he shot me a grin and I looked at the menu to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I read the menu humming to myself. I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, the time would be more close to lunch. It was a bit difficult for me to choose what to eat. There was many to choose from that sounded good. Glancing up at Farley who didn't even look at the menu. Seems he knew what he wanted and probably had been at this diner often. I wonder if our friends would like it here. This would be a nice place to hang out and eat at... Well on a day it wasn't too crowded.

"How can I help you?" a familiar voice asked and I looked up to see Farley's aunt.

"The regular for me Pam," Farley said and I was glancing back and forth at him then his aunt.

I should have known the diner belonged to his aunt. The menu did have her name on it. But I guess I didn't pay too much attention to it. Besides I didn't really remember her name either.

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