1 hour later

The police are now investigating the crime scene witch was your apartment the person who found your family's body's was your daughter's best friend.

Police officer 1: hey help me out here theirs someone hanging out the window.

The two policemen pull your body inside your apartment.

Police man 1: jesus the sike son of bitch who would do this.

police captain: we won't find out because no one is going to take this case.

Police officer 1: Why the fuck not sir.

Police Captain: because lieutenant I said so.

One years later
October 30th

You climb out of your grave on same night you were killed it was night time and it is also raining.

Y/N: W-what happened to me.

You then run home to your apartment

30 minutes

You are standing in front of your door but there was caution you then rip the tape away and enter your apartment. You then see that it is trashed graffiti all over the walls all the furniture destroyed one big window broken and class shards all over the place you then take a couple of steps inside and then you start to have pits and pecis visions. Of your past then you start to stumble over to your couch that is torn up you then fall to the ground then. As you get up you place one of your hands on the couch to regain your balance then you have a vision.

You and Catherine are kissing on your couch and that's when she broke the kiss and said.

Catherine: Y/N I have something to say.

Y/N: Yes Catherine what is it.

Catherine: I'm pregnant.

Y/N: are you serious I'm going to be a futher.

You say with a smile on your face.

Back to the persistent you then Jolted up to your feet stumbleing back wards you can't get your footing then you fall down and when you are getting up you put both your hands on a big blood stain then you get another vision of the past.

You then see your self with a bleeding nose and a cut on your lift eyebrow blood going down your face. Then you see a gun at your head as look at the man with the gun you see he has a tattoo of three tears on his right cheek below his right eye and he has a mustache and he is bald.

Then you see a latino man with short hair on top of your wife and can hear her crying in pain you are helpless to do anything because the bald man has his left knee on your back. Then you see a little girl with brown hair and you see her hands are duck taped and on her knees crying you see another man holding her from head in place forcing her to watch the latino man force himself on her mother. As the little girl crying the two men are laughing then after the latino man is done then latino man walks over to the little girl. Then the bald man picks you up and throws at widow your face then goes through the class goes every were then the other that was holding the little girl comes back with a chair and an extension cord he then ties it around your neck and he holds the the rest and as this is happening the latino man starts to beat the girl to death you can't help but cry you trey to get up but as soon as you get to your feet the bald man then punches you in the gut making you fall. And after the latino man is done the bald man then walks over to Catherine and crouches down at her side and says "SO BAD SO SAD" he then asked the man for his knife and then he cuts her throat then the vision ended.

Y/N: wh-what the fuck was that. You whisper to your self while you clench onto your head and fall to the ground on your knees crying.

You then stand up you see panting supplies by a panting you pick one of the pant brushes then you see another vision.

Y/N: Wow! Hanna that looks really good is that me and your mommy.

Hanna: Uh-huh.

Y/N: What's that next to you.

Hanna: it's a cat silly.

Y/N: oh you want a cat do you.

Hanna: can we get one Daddy.

Y/N: I want one too sweetie but your mommy is Allergic to cats.

Hanna: okay.

The vision ends there.

You then hear a bird chirp you turn around and see a crow perched in the broken window you then walk over to the broken window then the crow flys away you then set your hand on the windowsill. You then see another vision but this time it shows you being thrown out of the window with the extension cord still. Around your neck you see the three men that killed you and your wife and daughter.

The vision ended and then you dyed your hair black because you wife liked to dye her hair. Then you get your daughter's white and black paint then you paint your face white and then you paint black lines over both of your eyes. And then you paint your lips black and then you drew a smile on both of your cheek connecting to your lips and then. You look into the mirror. Then you go change into some black leather pants then you put on black gothic boots and then you put on a thin black long sleeve shirt that goes on to your knuckles and both of your thumbs are sticking. Out you then put on both of your hands fish net stoking fingerless gloves on you then leave the your old bedroom you then see a white cat walk in front of you then crouch down call the cat over to you then you pet the cat then you say.

Y/N: I wonder if my daughter would've wanted a cat like this.

You then stand up and walk towards the window where you stand and look out side then the crow from earlier flew in and then perched on your right shoulder and then you looked out at the city.

To be continued in the next chapter

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