Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

 When Winnie woke up, she expected to be still in Edward’s arms, where she had fallen asleep. To her dismay, she Edward wasn’t there. Now of course, Winnie started to panic. She needed him for more reasons than she would have liked to admit, and he was gone.

 “Looking for someone?” Edward’s voice asked. She turned around to see Edward standing behind her, with a small smirk on his face.

 “Nope,” Winnie said, and got up and started to walk off. Did she know where she was going? No, but she hoped that she was going the right way.

 “It’s this way,” Edward said, steering her around and pointing her in the right direction.

 Winnie started to laugh, and turned to him, her eyes staring into his. “I got you something,” he said playfully.

 She just noticed that he had his hands behind his back. “Tell me!” She pleaded, trying to sneak a peek at what he was hiding.

 “And if I did, wouldn’t that ruin the surprise?” Edward teased.

 Winnie sighed in defeat. She walked over to the fire, and started to pack up. All that she wanted was to see her parents. It had been a year since the last time she saw them.

 “Here,” Edward said, kneeling down next to Winnie. He held flowers out to her. They were the most beautiful flowers that Winnie had ever seen in her life.

 She smelled them, and they smelled sweet, like honey. “Thank you,” she said quietly, wrapping her arms around Edward’s neck.

 “That’s why I wasn’t here when you woke up. I tried to get back but-”

 “It’s ok, I know. It was very sweet of you,” she said smiling. Winnie normally didn’t interject when people were talking, but she couldn’t let Edward feel bad that he wasn’t there. Did that mean that she was happy that she woke up alone, not at all, but he was doing a really sweet thing.

 “Are you hungry or do you just want to wait until you get to your parents’ house?” Edward asked. There really wasn’t anything that they could have eaten out there. The fire was pretty much dead and they didn’t have any food left anyways.

 “I think it would be best if maybe we just went to my parents’ house. Is that ok?” Winnie asked. She didn’t know where she was in the woods, and was completely relying on Edward to get her around.

 “We aren’t far away.” Edward stated. “Our arrival time should be…” his voice trailed off as he looked up at the sun. Winnie was so amazed that he could tell the time just by looking at the sun. She could hardly tell the time at all.

 “It’s right around noon. We should be there in no more than an hour.” Edward said, and just realized then that Winnie was staring at him in astonishment. “What?” He asked, but then realized. “Oh, that…just something I picked up from a few knights.”

 Winnie laughed and walked after Edward. She didn’t want to get lost, which was something that was really easy for her to do.

 They were both rather quiet throughout the whole walk. Winnie could only thinking about seeing her parents. That was all she wanted. But then there was Edward. Would her parents like him? Would they accept him? She had been gone for a year; they were going to want their little girl back, not their grown up daughter.

 Uncle Pete and Aunt Rosie were going to be there also, and Edward was going to have to meet them too. Her parents always wanted her to marry who she wanted, but then again they wanted her to marry in wealth so that they wouldn’t be in the position that they were in.

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