Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

            Going to school for Winnie was nothing like a regular school would be like. She didn’t practiced science and history of the ruler of other countries and places, and rulers before the king’s time. Reading, writing, and arithmetic were the main subjects.

            This young teacher was in the stone walled room where she taught. She was slender, beautifully dressed, and so sweet looking. She looked as though she wouldn’t hurt a fly.

            “So,” their teacher went on showing them how to set up arithmetic. Winnie was so confused, as the teacher went on and on for what Winnie thought was for no reason. Finally when the teacher dismissed them, Winnie ran up to the room she shared with Liz.

            “Did you like class?”

            “Yes, it’s a little hard to understand, but yes, I guess so. I didn’t really go to school when I was younger so it is just a little advanced for me” Winnie said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

            “I can’t believe you haven’t gone to school before! I just remember always going.”

            “I did go to school, just not school like that. Oh no, I have to go make-” But before Winnie could finish a butler was knocking on the door. He just opened it and said, “Princess, the queen told me to send you down to the Courtyard. You are going out with the king and queen for a ballroom dinner, so Ms. Winnie, you will not be needed to make dinner tonight.”

            “Ugh,” Liz sighed, “How many times have I told you not to call me Princess! Call me Liz! Now, that is an order Henry!” Liz screamed at him as he started walking away.

            “Ok, sir. Thank you. Bye Liz.” Winnie mumbled. She felt so welcome at the castle and yet she knew she had to get used to the king, queen, and Liz leaving all the time. She took a look at her teacher’s handwritten paper in front of her and sighed.

            Winnie got off her mattress and headed down the stairs Liz had taken her down once this morning. A big wood door stood in front of her as she knocked lightly. Winnie didn’t think anyone was in there but, to her surprise, her teacher opened the door.

            “Oh, hello Winnie! It’s nice to see that you stopped by. Having a good time at the castle?”

            “Yes, ma’am. I actually came here because I have a few questions.”

            “Oh, oh, I see. Come on in and we shall talk.”

            Winnie walked into the very familiar classroom. The flip-around chalk board stood in the same place as it did earlier. It was surprising to believe that anyone had been in here since. Winnie took a seat at the table she sat at earlier and her teacher did the same.

            “I am sorry Winnie, I don’t think I properly introduced myself. It’s not often that I have new students, you know. My name is Ms. Orangleo. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

            “Hello. I’m Winnie Lovello. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

            “Pleasure is all mine. Now, Winnie, what is it that I can do to help you?”

            “Well…,” Winnie started. She didn’t want to finish, for she felt stupid for not knowing what a teacher was teaching in class. “I don’t understand the lesson you taught today. I haven’t gone to-” Winnie was cut off by the sound of her teacher’s voice.

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