Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

 Winnie sat in Liz’s room, pacing. “I’m worried,” Winnie finally said the first thing she had said in about an hour.

 “I would have never guessed.” Liz said, mockingly.

 “Liz, did you not notice something strange going on in there? I couldn’t help but notice that they were awfully quiet…”

 “Winnie, don’t just assume that because they were hushed it means something.”

 “But they sent us out of the room!” Winnie protested.

 “You were new to them, Winnie. Also, they never let the ladies stay in the same room. The royalty discuss that kind of stuff.”

 “But your royalty.” Winnie continued to protest.

 “So! That doesn’t mean anything! I’m a ‘young child’ as my parents would call me. I’m not supposed to be around that yet.”

 “Then when Liz? You aren’t going to make a very good queen if you aren’t even included in the conversations!”

 “Well then what do you want me to do! I know that I don’t want to stay around and listen to all the boring gibberish that they call English.”

 Winnie looked at Liz with a plan. “No, Winnie, I’m not going to go-”

 “Oh yes you are!” Winnie said and she grabbed Liz’s wrist, dragging Liz out of their room and towards the Banquet Room.

 “I am protesting!” Liz screamed, but it was no use, because the castle was so big that nobody could hear her. Plus, Winnie had incredible strength as she pulled Liz down the stairs.

 “I am royalty. You shall not harass me like this!” Winnie completely ignored the complaints, and continued dragging. Eventually, Liz just stopped complaining and began to go with Winnie.

 “So what is this plan that you have?”

 “Not sure yet,”

 “So you are unsure of a plan, yet you decide to involve me in it and drag me all around the castle so you can figure out what your plan may be on the way?!”

 “You make it sound so bad when you say it like that,” Liz just rolled her eyes. “And yes, now that you make mention of it, I do have a plan.”

 “Let’s hear it,” Liz said sarcastically.

 “We have to sneak back into that room Liz. We have to find out what they are talking about.”

 “And how do you plan on sneaking into the Dining Hall?”

 “The kitchen is branched off of the Dining hall right?”

 “Yes,” Liz said with a ‘duh’ like attitude.

 “There is a door that we can sneak through to make it into the kitchen.”

 “What do you mean?”

 “I mean that we just have to sneak into the kitchen from the back way.”

 “And I’m assuming you know how to get there?” Liz asked.

 “No, that’s where you come in.”

 “You are lucky.” Liz said smugly.


 “Because I do know how to get there,” Liz said with a smile.

 Winnie followed Liz around as she took many twists and turns down corridors and down stairs. Liz knew where she was going and this reassured Winnie. Winnie would have never been able to have gotten herself back into that kitchen, and if she could have possibly pulled it off, it would not have been in enough time.

 Liz finally came to a door and turned the knob as quietly as possible. It was clear as they walked in the door that there was voices arguing. Winnie and Liz both nodded at each other as a signal to listen.

 “They are bound to attack here,” a male voice said, “It is the heart of the kingdom. They can do the most damage here.”

 “So are you saying I should pull our troops away so that I can bring them back here?” the king’s voice answered.

 “No, Charles, but you should seriously begin thinking about arming the castle with the squires training to be knights.” Winnie’s heart sank. She instantly knew that the people that they would be having protect the castle would consist of Edward.

  “How long do you think it will be until the enemy will be moving towards us?” The king said, his voice filled with despair.

 “It is a matter of weeks, sir.”

 “We only bring this matter up to protect your loved ones, and your kingdom.”

 “This war has been going on far too long. It needs to come to an end. Before it gets a chance to reach the castle.”

 “How long exactly has this war been going on for?” Loretta asked.

 “A couple of years,” A different male voice answered.

 “A couple of years too long,” The king said, “This needs to end. I cannot let this come to my kingdom. I need to protect my family and my kingdom.”

 “So what are you going to do?” Loretta asked, “Are you going to keep the castle armed with men or are you going to send them off to the war, leaving us unprotected.” It was clear that Loretta had her mind made up. She wanted to have squires protecting the castle.

 “I do not know. I believe that it is in everyone’s best interest if we guard the kingdom and the castle. I would like to set up some extra training sessions in the next couple of days. Only have them last for a week and have them sent straight to the castle.”

 “Alright,” a male voice replied.

 “This war needs to cease. There is no other option but to win. We have spent too much time, effort, and money in this and we cannot lose now.”

 “How many men have we lost?” Loretta said, changing the subject.

 “Not many, no more than two or three hundred. We sent thousands into that war.”

 “We need to finish this.” The king said, and Winnie heard the chair slide against the floor, signaling he was getting up. Liz exchanged glances with Winnie and they both knew that it was time to leave. They made as quick and quiet as an exit as they could, and fled back to their room.


I know that this was kind of short, but I hope you still enjoy it either way! Oh and I made a cast change of the role of Edward. I just couldn't see him playing him and I also thought of Twlight so I just changed it :)

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