Chapter 12: Unwanted

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That night, (y/n) was in her room. She wore her hair down and her white night gown.

She sat in front of the mirror, brushing her hair. (y/n) thought about what happened at dinner that night. It was magical. It was another private dinner. Everyone was telling stories. There was so much laughter and love. Everyone was smiling from beginning to end. They always included (y/n) in their conversations. Loki even put his arm around her shoulders as a friendly gesture. Frigga pat her hand with a warm smile. Everyone was a big family.

Everyone excepf Odin.

As everyone had a good time, Odin sat there with no smile, glaring at the scene in front of him. But when Loki put his arm around (y/n), he looked bewildered. No one noticed except (y/n). It's like Odin waited for a suspicious move. Anything to get her executed.

(y/n) put down her brush and stared into the mirror.  She still felt like the monster Odin claimed she was.

Her eyes teared up. Thor, Loki, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Frigga, and Sif all accepted her. But the one that mattered was Odin. He was the king. He can decide for her death whenever he felt like it. She feared for her life.

(y/n) couldn't stand the mask she wore everyday. Happiness. No worry. But she wasn't happy, and she was extremely worried.

(y/n) looked away from her reflection and looked down onto the table, then seen a small hand mirror that showed her reflection. In heartbreaking rage, she picked it up and threw it across the room. It shattered when it hit the wall.

(y/n) watched the glass mess for a moment, suprised about what she had just done. She rushex over to pick it up the mess. The first piece she picked up cut her hand and she dropped it quickly. She tried to find a way to stop the bleeding.

She then heard a loud knock on her door. (y/n) hid her bleeding hand behind her back and opened the door.

Odin stood in front of her.

"Y-yes your majesty?"

"Whatever you are doing to my son, Loki, stop it. He's never been like that. My sons have always been strong and brave. Always noble. You are ruining Loki! Leave him alone or I will-"


Odin and (y/n) turned to see Frigga. "Leave her alone! She's healing Loki! You must learn to accept that. You've never been there for him. Don't you dare take away someone who is!"

Odin was silent. He glared at (y/n), then noticed she had her hand behind her back.

"What do you hide? Reveal it!!" he ordered.

(y/n slowly revealed her bleeding hand. Frigga gasped. "What happened to you?"

"I...broke a mirror and I cut my hand accidently." explained (y/n).

"I'll send someone right away to bandage your hand and clean up the mess. Goodnight, my child. Come Odin."

Frigga and Odin left the room. A little later, a nurse arrived and bandaged her hand, then cleaned up the mess. When she left, (y/n) thought about what Odin said. She couldn't take the hate anymore. She didn't want to ruin Loki.

(y/n) opened up a drawer and got out a dagger. She just wanted it to end.

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